Paul, VincentAtose, Mohammed Mu'azuLukman, Aisha UmarMohammed, Sadiya2023-12-112023-12-112020-12-17Paul, V. et. al. (2020) IMPACT OF SALES PROMOTION STRATEGIES ON THE CUSTOMERS’ PATRONAGE OF GRAND CEREALS AND MILLS PRODUCTS IN NIGERIA study assessed the impact of sales promotion strategies on the costumers’ patronage of Grand Cereal and Mills products in Nigeria. Specifically, the study assessed the effect of customers’ patronage and Strategies for reaching target audience on sales promotion of Grand Cereals and Mills Limited, Nigeria. The study adopts survey research design and the population comprised of 100 sellers and customers of Grand Cereal and Mills products living around Keffi Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Simple linear Regressions was used for the analysis and it was discovered that Customers’ patronage and Strategies for reaching target audience has significant effect on sales promotion of Grand Cereals and Mills products in Nigeria. Based on the findings and conclusion, the study recommended that Grand Cereals and Mills Limited Nigeria should design and develop sales promotional measures to increase its customer patronage base. Also, the organization should increase the level of public enlightenment and diversify its strategies in reaching out to its customers so as to get the populace aware of its different product lines available in the market.enCustomers’ Patronage, Marketing, Sales Promotion, Strategies, ProductsIMPACT OF SALES PROMOTION STRATEGIES ON THE CUSTOMERS’ PATRONAGE OF GRAND CEREALS AND MILLS PRODUCTS IN NIGERIAArticle