2023-12-142023-12-142021-08-08Umar, M.A. (2021) Inference of the Stochastic SIR Household Epidemic Model with Misspecification and Mis­classificationhttps://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/5753Model estimate and their functions are affected by wrong choice of the infectious period distribution*, *T/ when the actual one is unknown. This is a misspecification problem which is often accompanied with biased and ijmprecise estimates as discussed in [16],. which may be taking for misclassification of the final size epidemic data . This work, examined these problems using simulations by assuming constant infectious period, Tj =4.1 and then estimated with Tj infectious period distribution, assumed; as r(2,2.05) for the household .epidemic and vice under. 'This is extended to cases wheri the final size data is misclassified, as studied in [16]. The maximum, likelihood estimates ancl the model fitness to the final size data are examined and compared under these conditions. We found that, in the two cases, the estimates biased and imprecise. Thus, model that fit poorly to the final size data is often obtained. However, the choice of appropriate model that fit better to the final size data, given these scenarios are suggested.enFinal size epidemic, infectious period distribution, misspecification, misclassification probabil­ ities.Inference of the Stochastic SIR Household Epidemic Model with Misspecification and Mis­classificationArticle