Tavershima, Hanior Timothy.2023-12-132023-12-132015-03-10Federal Ministry of Education (2004). National policy on education. City Federal Government Press Harbor, P.V.F. (1999). Noteworthy points on measurement and evaluation. Enugu: Snaap Press Limited Hanior T. T. (2013) Extent of Implementation of Continuous Assessment Practices and its impact on student's performance in Social Studies in Nasarawa State. Unpublished M. Ed thesis Benue State University. Makurdi. Nowrgu, B.G. (2003). Educational measurement and evaluation: theory and practice. Nsukka: Universii> Trust Publishers Nigeria Nowrgu. B.G (2006). Introduction to educational research. Ibadan: Longman Nigeria Publishers Ohuche, R.O. (1988). Continuous assessment for every learner. Onitsha: African Feb Publishers Limited Okam, C.C. & Onuoha, J.C. (2012). Repositioning social studies in Nigeria: issues and challenges. A iycria Journal of Social Studies, 15(2), 64-79. KOrchttps://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/4539The study was carried out to examine extent of implementation of continuous assessment practice and its impacts on students 'performance in social studies in Nasarawa State. The study was guided by three research questions and two hypotheses. The researcher employed a survey research design. The population of the study comprised328 teachers in Nasarawa State. A sample of226 teachers was used for the study using a random sampling technique. Questionnaire titled Continuous Assessment Implementation Questionnaire (C A IQ) was used as instrument for data collection. Mean and standard deviations, t-test and C hi-Square were used in testing the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The result the study showed that there was significant impact on implementation of continuous assessment practices of social studies teachers on students' performance in the subject. • ex of teachers has no significant relationship in determining how continuous assessment is implemented. There is no significant relationship between the implementation problems of continuous assessment and its impact on students' performance. It was recommended that there should be training and retraining of Social Studies teachers in record keeping and scores transformation to enable them to have a correct practice of continuous assessment; proper assessment techniques should be employed by social studies teachers. Social studies emphasizes affective aspect of evaluation so, teachers should be more committed to continuous assessment practice despite its demand, for effective results to be achieved and the demand of extra-work load should be taken seriously by those concerned for optimum performance.enThe Relationship Between Continous Assessments and Students'academic Performance in Social Studies in Nasarawa StateArticle