Aminu, Danladi AbubakarLoko, Grace IfeomaYakubu, Ibrahim Agwada2023-12-132023-12-132018-05-18Aminu, Danladi Abubakar & (2018) CONFLICT RESOLUTION STRATEGIES FOR ADMINISTRATORS IN COLLEGES OF EDUCATION IN NORTH-CENTRAL NIGERIA survey research design was used in the study. The population of the study consisted of3 949 (3 731 Lecturers and 218 Administrators) of Colleges of Education in North Central Geo-political Zone, Nigeria. The sample of the study comprised 466 (372 Lecturers and 94 Administrators) were selected through stratified random sampling technique. Also, purposive sampling technique was used to select lecturers and administrators in cognizance with institution, gender and ownership of institution (3 Federal, 4 State and 4 Private Colleges of Education). The instrument used for data gathering was a structured questionnaire called Conflict and Strategies Questionnaires for Administration (CSQA). The logical consensus of the experts gave 0.72 index of rational validity for the CSSQA and the reliability index of 0.77 was obtained using Cronbach coefficient alpha method. Data collected were analyzed using Descriptive statistics to answer the research questions and Chi-square statistic was used to test null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Findings indicated that conflict resolution strategies by administrators of public Colleges of Education differ significantly from those of private Colleges of Education. It was concluded that conflict resolution strategies by administrators of public Colleges of Education differ significantlyfrom those ofprivate Colleges of Education. The study recommended the following among others that the Government should organize seminars and given interval to Education and draw the attention of College administrators on these basic issues that causes conflict.enConflict resolution and Strategies in administration.CONFLICT RESOLUTION STRATEGIES FOR ADMINISTRATORS IN COLLEGES OF EDUCATION IN NORTH-CENTRAL NIGERIAArticle