Adigizey, John DollayNwala, Maurie NnekaNtaji, Godfrey Awa2025-01-102025-01-102024-04-10Adigizey, J.D. Et al. (2024). Effect of Public Expenditure Automation on Economic Growth in Nigeria study examines the effect of public expenditure automation on economic growth in Nigeria from 2015Q2 to 2023Q1. An ex postfacto research design is employed for the study. Quarterly time series data for capital expenditure automation, recurrent expenditure automation, and gross domestic product are collected from the Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin. The stationarity of the data is tested using the Philip Perron test, while the Johansen cointegration test is utilized to ascertain the presence of a long-run relationship. The Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares technique is applied to assess the effect of public expenditure automation on economic growth in Nigeria. The findings reveal that capital expenditure automation has an insignificant effect on economic growth in Nigeria, whereas recurrent expenditure automation significantly influences economic growth in the country. The study suggests that the Nigerian government should reconsider resource allocation strategies, emphasizing the optimization of funds allocation toward sectors with a more direct and immediate impact on economic development. Additionally, strategic expansion of recurrent expenditure automation initiatives across various government departments and agencies is recommended. This involves identifying key areas within recurrent expenditures where automation has shown positive effects and advocating for systematic and phased implementation in these areas. ’enPublic expenditure automationCapital expenditure aitomationRecurrent expenditure automationEconomics growthEviews 10EFFECT OF PUBLIC EXPENDITURE AUTOMATION ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIAArticle