Barde, Barnabas E.Mohammed, Mahmuda2023-12-102023-12-102018-06-21Abbasi, M.,Kalantari E. & Abbasi, H. (2012). Effect of Fund Size on the Funds Evidence from Iran. Journal Performance of Mutual of Basic and Applied Scientific Research Babalos, V., Koslakis, A., & Philippas, N. (2009). Managing mutual funds or managing expense ratios? Evidence from the Greek fund industry. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 19(4), 256-272. Babbar, S. & Sehgal, S. (2018) Mutual Fund Characteristics and Investment Performance in Bauer, R., Derwall, J., & Otten, R. (2007). The ethical mutual fund performance debate: New evidence from Canada. Journal of Business Ethics, 70(2), 111-124. Bauer, R., Otten, R., & Rad, A. (2006). New Zealand mutual funds: Measuring performance and persistence in performance. Accounting & Finance, 46(3), 347-363. Beckers, S., & Vaughan, G. (2001). Small is beautifial. The Journal of Portfolio Management, 27(4), 9-17. Belgacem, S. B., & Hellara, S. (2011). Predicting Tunisian mutual fund performance using 12(3), 208-225. Bergstrom, J. & Sunden, V. (2008) Mutual Fund Attributes And Their Relationship To Risk Adjusted Return: A Study On The Performance And Characteristics On The Swedish Fund Market Stockholm School of Economics Berk, J. B. & R. C. Green. (2004). Mutual fund flows and performance in rational markets. Blake, D., & Timmermann, A. (1998). Mutual fund performance: Evidence from the UK. European Finance Review, 2(1), 57-77. Busse, J. A., Chordia, T., Jiang, L., & Tang, Y. (2014). How does size affect mutual fund performance? Evidence from mutual fund trades. Chen, J., Hong, H., Huang M. & Kubik, J. (2004). Does Fund Size Erode Mutual Fund Performance? The Role of Liquidity and Organization. The American Economic Review. 94(5), 1276-1302 India Management and Labour Studies 43(1-2) 1-30 dynamic panel data model. The Journal of Risk Finance, Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 112, 1269-1295. study examined the relationship between the mutual funds main attributes and their performance. This study employed monthly data for a total sample of 65 mutual funds over a period of most recent seven years (to year end 2017). The data for this study were gathered from secondary sources, the data collected were analyzed using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression. The study found that size of fund and fund age are found to have insignificant effect on mutual fund performance in Nigeria, while risk level of mutual fund has significant effect on mutual fund performance in Nigeria. The study suggests that it may be better for investors to route their investments in small-sized funds and older funds having past track record. The funds with these attributes have the potential of generating high returns. Further, large mutual funds might be overlooked as these characteristic exhibit no significant influence on future performance of fundenFund Age, Mutual Funds, Fund SizeMUTUAL FUND ATTRIBUTES AND INVESTMENT PERFORMANCE OF MUTUAL FUNDS IN NIGERIAArticle