Bilyaminu, Suleiman MuhammedEbute, Joel Ugbede'ojo2023-12-142023-12-142019-09-20Bilyaminu, S.M. & Ebute, J.U. (2019) URBAN GROWTH AND POOR MANAGEMENT OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT: IMPLICATION FOR SECURITY IN KARU LOCAL GOVERNMNET OF NASSARAWA growth and poor management of urban development has been a major concern to government especially in developing countries and Nigeria is not an exception. The study examines the effect of urban growth and poor management of urban development and its implication on human security in Karu Local Government Area of Nassarawa State. Descriptive survey research method will be used and data will be collected using questionnaire and secondary sources will be utilized to further understand the Security implication of urban growth and Development. Regression analysis will be used to analyze the data. Findings from the study reveal that while there is an urban growth in Karu local government area, poor urban management poses challenge to human security in the form of criminality, health and shelter. There is high concentration of population in the area due to its proximity to Abuja. In conclusion, the high population coupled with lack of proper urban management made the area unplanned. The study recommends among others that government should keep the youth in the area busy by creating more employment opportunity. Also strict development control should be intensified in the area.enURBAN GROWTH AND POOR MANAGEMENT OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT: IMPLICATION FOR SECURITY IN KARU LOCAL GOVERNMNET OF NASSARAWAArticle