Agube, A. SolomonHabiba, A. AhmedMartina, A. Pojwan2023-12-132023-12-132015-07-11Otite, O. and Ogionwoiv (2001y, An introduction to sociological studies. Ibadan, Heinemann education book Nig. Pic. Person, T. (1959/ The structure of the family in R. W Arnhem Ed. The family, itsfunction anddestuby. New York, Hamper and raw. The national youth policy 1983 Lagos, Nigeria The Nigeria social development policy, 1989, Lagos, Nigeria. Wersner; T.S. (1987). Socialization for Parenthood in Sibling Societies. New York, Aldine degruher. instability is a global phenomenon that has affected family individuals negatively. The family is the basic unit of the society where children learn societal norms and values. For the child to be fully successful academically, physically, socially, economically, to mention these few, a stable family background is necessary. Where the parents will jointly contribute and ensure the child's success and development. The study is aim at identifying the causes of youth academic failures, success and suggested ways to ensure their academic success. A sample of250 respondents was selected through simple random sampling by clustering the area to have fair representation in the sampling frame. A structure questionnaire was constructed and used for the collection of information from the respondents and simple percentages were used to analyze the data collected from the respondents. The researcher also made use of relevant literature (books and journals) to give the work a better research tooling to success. The research revealed that youth academic success depends on family stability and very important factor in personality development of young ones. The study therefore recommended stable family serve as a catalyze for academic success and enlighten people on danger of family instability in children personality development. It is pertinent that couple and parents should facilitation organization of stable family to serve as foundation for academic success and a corner stone for a prosperous society.enFamily: family stability, academic, academic success.FAMILY STABILITY AND YOUTH ACADEMIC SUCCESS AMONG MIGILI PEOPLE OF JENKWE DEVELOPMENT AREA OF NASARAWA STATE.Article