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In order to gather data for the study, a self-developed questionnaire was used for the data collection on the types of periodicals being sold and the marketing strategies adopted by the Periodical Street Vendors to sell their periodical publications. The research objectives were analysed descriptively using frequency distribution tables, percentages. Findings from the study revealed that newspapers and magazines (42.9%) are the major types of periodicals being sold by the Periodical Street Vendors in Zaria Metropolis. The findings also revealed that the Periodical Street Vendors in Zaria Metropolis adopt different strategies to sell different periodicals. No single marketing strategy works for the sale of all the identified periodicals. It can be concluded that Periodical Street Vendors adopt all the eight (8) identified marketing strategies for the sale of the periodical publications. They commonly sell in Zaria metropolis and also the adoption of a variety of marketing strategies impact a lot on the sale of periodical publications which in turn keep the Periodicals. It has been recommended for Periodical Street Vendors to continue in business publishers should organise seminars, workshops or sensitisation campaigns for periodical street vendors on the need to put together different strategies that would boost their business as well as keeping them in the business. The government should, as a matter of urgency give periodical street vendors license to make them gain recognition in the society as they contribute to a large extent to the growth and development of the informal economyenMarketing Strategies, Periodical Publications, Periodical Street VendorsMarketing Strategies Adopted by Periodical Street Vendors for Sale of Periodical Publications in Zaria Metropolis, Kaduna State, NigeriaArticle