Ishaya, Daniel Leku2023-12-142023-12-142017-06-25Ajani,A A (2003) A Question of Dangerous Race Punishment Society. Journal Vol 5,Pp433 Alemika,E.EO (1978) A Study of Socio-Cultural and Economic Factor in Delinquency Among Kaduna Borstal Inmates,Unpublished B.SC.Sociology Original Easy,University of Ibadan,Ibadan Nigeria. Alemika, E.E.O and Chukwuma, I (2001) Juvenile Justice Administration in Nigeria: Philosophy and Practice Published by Centre for Law Enforcement Education (CLEEN) Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. Britt, C.L and Gottfredson, M..R (2003) Control Theories of Crime and Delinquency new Brunswick:Transaction Publisher. Daniel, I (2011) Social Workers Perception of Juvenile Crime Prevention in Nigeria. A Study of LafiaTown Nasarawa State: Dissertation BSU Makurdi. study sought to investigate social workers perception of juvenile delinquency prevention in Nigeria. The major objective of the study is to understand the juvenile delinquency prevention and perception of social worker. While, specific objectives include to: Understanding juvenile delinquency mechanism that are available in Nigeria and to use the perception of social workers as a yardstick for measuring the effectiveness of these mechanism in reforming the offenders. The studies explore conceptual analysis and social control theory as a theoretical framework for crime prevention and control. The study used primary and secondary sources of data collection. The findings were that juvenile delinquency prevention was mostly situated within the family cycle. This was made evident in the perception of respondents that the family has a large impact on criminal behaviour, where caring, loving, diligent, responsible and righteous parents do not generally produce children who are prone to engage in generalized problematic behaviour. This was made evident in the perception of respondents that the family has a large impact on criminal behaviour. The study concluded and recommended that social disorganization in the society contribute significantly to deviance behaviour among young persons and therefore recommends that juvenile delinquency rights and responsibilities of children and parents should be made known to all concerned through the media and other accepted methods of communication; prevention strategies like the poverty eradication programme should be effectively implemented and encouraged. Family support policies are developed to strengthen the role of parents towards their children and reintegration in the society.enSocial Work, Juvenile Delinquency, Prevention and ControlSocial Workers' Perception of the Juvinile Delinquency Prevention in Nigeria: A Case Study of Lafia Town, Nasarawa StateArticle