Nmadu, Teresa2023-12-102023-12-102007-10-01Hussey, D. (1998) Strategic Management: from tjieonj to implementation, 4,h ed, Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann. NESG Economic Indicators (2005) "NESG databaseieconomy finance and busiivess/,/ Vol 11. No.l Jan-Mar, PI09 Obasi, S. (2005) "Anger trails fuel price increase", N ewswatch, September, P30-32 Johnson, G. and Scholes, E. (1984) Exploring Corporate Strategy, London: Prentice-Hall. Pearce, J.A and Robinson, R.B. (2003) Strategic Management: formulation, implementation and control, 8,h ed, Boston: McGraw- Hill Irwin. Mabayoje, A. (2005) "Succeeding against all odds", Newswatch, September,P33-34 Morcli, F(2005) "FG cancels manufacturers' export incentives", Financial Standard, Vol 6.No 46. September, Pl-2 Thompson, A.A. and Strickland, A.J. (2001) Strategic Management: concepts and cases, 12th ed, Boston: McGraw-Hill Irvin. Nmadu, T.M.(2005) " performance management among managers and corporate profitability in Nigerian manufacturing companies", (Unpublished Dissertation, University of Joshttps://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/1046In Nigeria the question of management concepts being successfully being transferred is no longer debatable. What most scholars and researchers are anxious about is whether by the use of these management concepts, Nigerian businesses are witnessing the benefits behind the persuasions for the use of such concepts. This paper examines one of such concepts strategic management, and establishes that companies that practice strategic management have a positive profit after tax situation to show for it, in spite of a hostile business environment. The paper recommends that one way to deal with a bleak business environment in view of challenges in Nigeria and beyond, is for businesses to practice strategic management as a fact not a FadenSTRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN SOME NIGERIAN BUSINESSES A BUSINESS REALITYArticle