Ishaya, Daniel LekuUsman, Stephen2023-12-142023-12-142015-11-16Abrogated, A. (1968) secret in Nigerian institutions of learning: A periscope Apraisal”. Reading on coinpus secret cull OAU press Ltd. Adisa, J, Okoosi, A.J. Aderin to, AA (1994) “Students unrest and university governance in Nigeria: causes, patterns, impact and prognosis.” Research Report. Acton, W. (1972) Prostitution considered in its moral and sanitary aspexts. London. Casell. Appclbaum, R, and Chambliss, W. (1995). Sociology. Harper Collins College Publishers. Bartric, P. (1967). The critical aspects of prostitution, international criminal Police Review 206:80 menace of social vices and crime rate in Nigeria society is on the high increase and it is one of the greatest social problems facing human development in the 21st century . This decay manifests itself in the form of various social vices. All ills epitomize by menace confronting Nigeria tertiary institution has underscore the important of the paper. The paper examine theoretical orientation which anchored on the sociological perspective. Conceptual analysis of this paper dwell on the student unrest and violence, drug abuse, Armed robbery, corruption, sexual harassment, prostitution among tertiary institution students, cultism in Nigerian tertiary institution and crime in Nigeria society, the forms and causes of examination malpractice as well as crime in Nigeria were equally address. Fundementatly.the concept of crime is embedded in several term like deviation, going astray from expectation standard of society and violation of rules and regulation. The paper concluded and recommended that the social vices and crime rate in Nigeria universities is inevitable and a product of imbalances in our society. The menace manifests with it negative effects will continue to persist, if not escalated in universities therefore the study observed that there should be general restructure and change of attitude among members and Nigeria student in particular to prevent social vices and crime in various institutions in Nigeria society.enTHE MENACE OF SOCIAL VICES AND CRIME IN NIGERIA TERTIARY INSTITUTIONArticle