Salihu, Abdullahi GallePaul, VincentGabriel, Akwashiki2023-12-132023-12-132020-10-05Galle Salihu Abdullahi, Paul Vincent, Andzutsi Gabriel Akwashiki significant of studying mathematical economics in colleges of education in Nigeria cannot be over emphasis because of the vital role it plays in enhancement of growth and development of the nation. A shortfall in the knowledge of the students in the area would led to failure in dream goal, therefore the need to improve strategies in developing item sequence to minimize students failure in the subject, this called for investigation into the effect of changes in item sequence on students academic achievement in multiple choice test mathematical-economics in colleges of education in Lagos State. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Repeated measures two-group within subject experimental research design was adopted. The population of this study consisted of all 3420 NCE one economics students 2018/2019 academic season from four Colleges of Education (COE) in Lagos State and 240 fromtwo COE. 130 students from St. Augustine College of Education (Project Time) (70 males and 60 females) and 110 students from Ansar-Ud-Deen College of Education, Isolo (60 male and 50 females) were used as a sample of the study. ‘‘Mathematical-Economics Achievement Test was used as an instrument for data collection consisted of 40 multiple-choice items was developed and subjected to experts for face and content validity. The consensus of the experts’ judgment for MEAT yielded 0.94 validity index and 0.863 reliability index. Mean and standard deviation were used to answered research questions while paired samples t-test was used to test hypotheses at confidence level and the findings reveals that students in format A performed better than the student in format B when item sequence changed and male and female students in format A had highest mean scores than their counterpart in format B. It was recommended that, test should be arranged in random version and the lecturers teaching the mathematical economics should Endeavour to present the same item arrangement to all students regardless of the school type.enAcademic achievement, Item sequence multiple-choice test, mathematical-economics.Effect of Changes in Item-Sequence on Students Academic Achievement In Multiple-Choice Test Of Mathematical-Economics In Colleges Of Education, Lagos State NigeriaArticle