Abdullahi, Adamu Sulaiman2023-12-122023-12-122021-03-03Angelo, P. (1999) Political Parties: Organization and power. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Azazi, O. (2012) ‘NSA Blames PDPfor Boko Haram Crisis'. Weeklytrust.com.ng April, 27. Cular G (2004). “Organizational Development of Parties and Internal Party Democracy in Croatia” Politicka Misao. Biezen, I. V. (2004) ‘How Political Parties Shape Democracy1 Centre for the Study of Democracy Working Paper, UC Dode, O. R. (2010) ‘Political parties and the prospects of democratic consolidation in Nigeria: 1999- 2006'. African journal of political science and international relations, 4 (5). Duverger, Maurice (1963) Political parties: Their organization and activity in modern state, New York; John Wiley & Sons • Fisher, J. and Eisenstadt, T. A. (2004) “Introduction: Comparative Party Finance.” Party politics, 10(6https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/3630Internal party democracy in politics is a very broad term describing a wide range of methods for including party members in internal party deliberation and decision-making. The importance of party democracy for the overall democratic processes in a country is a debated issue. The fundamental problem appears to be “whether competition among parties, the inclusive participation of party members in all party activities including selection or nomination processes, and the aggregate representativeness of elected officials are sufficient for effective so-called democracy, or whether competition, morality, justice, fairness, transparency, consultation, widespread participation and inclusive representation within the individual parties are required as well. The paper adopts historical and descriptive methodology in conducting the research. It discusses the Islamic concept of democracy and the position of internal party democracy in Nigeria and also recommends how morality and consultation can properly entrench internal party activities for the benefit of all and sundry and for peace, reconciliation, fair representation, freedom of choice and transparency in the activities ofall political parties in Nigeria.enIslamic Perspective of Internal Party Democracy in Nigeria ContextArticle