Lawee, A.Y.Danwali, M.I.Kigbu, A.A.Samuel, Emmanuel Alu2023-12-112023-12-112017-01Ayinla, O. A. (2012). Aquaculture Development and Appropriate Enterprise Combinatiuon in the BRACED States. In the high level meeting of experts and the meeting of Braced states Commissioners for Agriculture. Songhai Farms, Port-Harcourt. DLT. 31-NOV 2, Pp. 1- 41 Duncan’s, D. B. (1955). Duncan’s new multiple range and multiple F. test. Biomet. 11 1-10. FAO, (2008). The state of Food insecurity in the world 2008. High Food Prices and Food Security threats and opportunities. Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations Rome Pp. 8. FDF (2008). Fisheries Statistics of Nigeria Projected Human Population; Fish Demand and Supply in Nigeria, A Publication of federal department of fisheries 2002-2015. Pp. 56. Furga, T. B., (1981). Intraspecific classification of Watermelon under cultivation. Kulturpflanze 29:297-300. study evaluated the effect of including graded levels of melon shell in diets of Heterobranchus bidorsalis juveniles (13.30±1.20). This study was conducted for 8 weeks. The diet constitute 42% crude protein content with melon shell at different inclusion levels of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% respectively. Fish in each tank was fed 3% body weight of diet twice daily. Weights of fish were taken weekly. Data collected were analyzed using One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The result showed that the ash content ranged from 2.80 in fish fed diet one to 4.03 in fish fed diet four. Crude fibre content ranged from 8.52 of fish fed diet one to 12.99 in fish fed diet five. Also, Ether extract ranged from 7.90 in fish fed diet one to 17.45 in fish fed diet five while the crude protein content values ranged from 39.66 in fish fed diet one to 40.05 in fish fed in diet five. The proximate values of the experimental diets showed a significant differences (P<0.05) among treatments.enHeterobranchus bidorsalis, Melon shell, Maize offalGROWTH RESPONSE AND NUTRIENT UTILIZATION OF Heterobranchus bidorsalis JUVENILES FED GRADED LEVELS OF MELON SHELL MEALOther