Odey, O, Angela2023-12-102023-12-102018-06-06A PROJECT SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY KEFFI, IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF A POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL AND RADIATION PHYSICShttps://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/1121Cardiac diagnostic or therapeutic testing is essential tool for diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease, but it also involves considerable exposure to ionizing radiation. Every exposure produces a corresponding increase in cancer risk, and risks are highest for radiation exposure during infancy and adolescence. Recent studies on chromosomal biomarker corroborate the current radioprotection assumption showing that even modest radiation load due to cardiac catheter-based fluoroscopic procedures can damage the DNA of a cell. It was reviewed in the project the biological and clinical risk of cardiac imaging employing ionizing radiation it was also discuss the perspective, offered by the use of molecular biomarkers in order to better assess the long-term development of health effect.enHEALTH RISK AND BIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF CARDIAC USING IONIZING RADIATION IMAGING TECHNIQUESThesis