Adigizey, John DollayWamu, Victoria Adigizey2025-01-102025-01-102022-08-06Adigizey, J.D. & Wamu, V.A. (2022). Effect of Board Characteristics on Stock Returns of Listed 1 Consumer Goods Companies in Nigeri firm's constituted board is expected to be a reliable internal tool to ensure good firm-performance for improved quality earnings. This study assessed the effect of board characteristics on stock-returns . of quoted consumer-goods companies in Nigeria. Independent variables used were board-independence, board-size and board-financial-expertise, while the dependentvariable was 'stock-returns'. The study adopted ex-post-facto research method; and used a purposive sample-size ofsixteen (16) firms selected from a population of the twenty-three (23) consumer-goods companies quoted on the Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX) as at 2020. From the annual financial reports of the selected firms, data were extracted for ten (10) years (2012-2021); and analyses done using multiple regression technique. The study's model had good- fit and diagnostic tests revealed analytical robustness and reliable results. The pooled OLS regression result showed that board-characteristics could predict stock returns' behavior in the consumer-goods sector, since board-independence and board-financial-expertise had positive significant effect on stock-returns, though board-size revealed insignificant effect. Recommendations are: more independent directors should be encouraged on the board, in an attempt to improving monitoring activities thatwill curb boisterous managementbehavior; with anticipated possibility of good dividend payments to shareholders; frirthermore, the firms' Board of Directors should focus on enhancing capacity to combat discretionary behavior of management activitiescorporate firm's constituted board is expected to be a reliable internal tool to ensure good firm-performance for improved quality earnings. This study assessed the effect of board characteristics on stock-returns . of quoted consumer-goods companies in Nigeria. Independent variables used were board-independence, board-size and board-financial-expertise, while the dependentvariable was 'stock-returns'. The study adopted ex-post-facto research method; and used a purposive sample-size ofsixteen (16) firms selected from a population of the twenty-three (23) consumer-goods companies quoted on the Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX) as at 2020. From the annual financial reports of the selected firms, data were extracted for ten (10) years (2012-2021); and analyses done using multiple regression technique. The study's model had good- fit and diagnostic tests revealed analytical robustness and reliable results. The pooled OLS regression result showed that board-characteristics could predict stock returns' behavior in the consumer-goods sector, since board-independence and board-financial-expertise had positive significant effect on stock-returns, though board-size revealed insignificant effect. Recommendations are: more independent directors should be encouraged on the board, in an attempt to improving monitoring activities thatwill curb boisterous managementbehavior; with anticipated possibility of good dividend payments to shareholders; frirthermore, the firms' Board of Directors should focus on enhancing capacity to combat discretionary behavior of management activities—inclusion of at least three accounting/financial experts might boost this campaign that will yield improved earnings quality. that will yield improved earnings quality.enConsumer GoodsBoard IndependenceBoard SizeFinancial ExpertiseStock ReturnsPooled OLS regressionEFFECT OF CHARACTERISTICS ON STOCK RETURNS OF LISTED CONSUMER GOODS COMPANIES IN NIGERIAArticle