Nwosu, Patience NgoziNwagwu, Josephine U.Awu, Chima2023-12-132023-12-132016-10-12Benner J. Ancient Hebrew Research Center retrieved on 10th Feb. 2009 http//www.AncientHebrew...Org/27Messia h.Limit. Hidden Curriculum Definition (2015); The Glossary of Education retrieved on 29th Aug.2013 Reform edge glossary.org/hiddencurriculum. Iherene .S. (2014), Psychology of Religious,, Conflict, Management and Resolution in Nigeria, Lagos, Frans-Maggie Ltd. Margolis .E. (2002) The Hidden Curriculum Higher Education, New York Routledge. Peace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia retrieved on 5th Jan.2011. The benefits of inner peace, retrieved on 5th Jan. 2015, http://www.indeedmotivation.com/log/2Q 08/Q5/100-henefits-of-motivation.https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/4057The research is centered on the role of Universities in sustaining peace on university campuses. There is no doubt that human societies and organizations desire and search for peace always but the most important thing is to sustain peace in the society or organizations. Universities are one such formal organization that aspires for peace. Peace is a period of harmony between different people or a period of tranquility in an environment. A university is a citadel of learning and the key to scientific, technological development :f a country. Education received at the university helps one for career placement and to be glee ally complaint, so lack of peace in the universities will be catastrophic to one and all. The paper is a qualitative study that looked at the peace building practices of the universities on tr.e part of the students and staff. As a result, the questions that guided the study were; what are :he peace building practices of universities. What structures are put in place in universities for conflict resolution and peacemaking? How can peace be sustained in the universities. The paper addressed factors that would help sustain peace on university campuses. They include: Value reorientation on the part of students and staff generally, emphasizing the hiazen curriculum, building peace relations with hose communities, pronouncement of policies tn.it would help sustain peace on campuses. Some of the recommendations include, organizing seminars and conferences on peace building, conflict resolution on university campuses, others are found in the paper.enTHE ROLE OF UNIVERSITIES IN SUSTAINING PEACE ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSESArticle