Nuhu, Yusuf2023-12-102023-12-102019-09-12A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI, IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF MASTERS OF SCIENCE (M.Sc) DEGREE IN AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION AND COMMUNICATION study assessed adoption of rice production technologies introduced by Agricultural Research Outreach Centres (AROCs) among respondents in Agricultural Central zone „A‟ of Niger State. The data utilized were derived from primary sources using structured interview schedule administered to 180 randomly selected rice farmers from the study area. Data were analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and multiple regression. The result shows that 74.4% (majority) of rice farmers were at their middle and agriculturally productive age (50 years) and majority (97%) were male. Majority (71%) of the respondents acquired their farm land through inheritance with 98.8% of them having an average of 3.5 hectares of rice farm lands. The mean annual income for respondents was N250, 000. The sources of information on rice production most frequently used by the respondents were Extension services (98.8%) and Fellow farmers (45.5%). This shows that personal information source was also efficient in propagating complex information such as innovation packages of rice production. The rice production technologies with very high adoption rate included Improved harvesting techniques (98.8%), NERICA 1-upland (95%), Transplanting after sowing in nursery (93%), Optimum sowing period of May – July (93%), Improved weed control- (93%), Improved pests control using seed treatment (92%), Recommended fertilizer rate (91%), Proper use and type of herbicides (90%), Transplanting 2-3/hill and FARO 44-sipi lowland (81%). The study revealed that the variables that were significant determinants of accepting innovations on rice production in the regression analysis include Age (t= -3.88), Farming Experience (t= -3.121), Educational level/years spent in school (t = 8.20) and AROC Staff visits (t = 5.074), were all significant at 1% level while Farm size (t = 0.0511) was significant at 10% probability level. The R2 indicated that 85% variation in the output of AROC‟s introduced rice production technologies was described by variables incorporated in the model and this shows the best fit of the Model. The variables identified as serious constraints with mean score x >2 were inadequate capital, poor access to modern information sources, high cost of improved farm inputs, weak social network and inadequate farm land. In line with the results of this study, it was concluded that despite the challenges faced by the rice farmers, there was very high rate of acceptance of innovation packages on AROC‟s introduced rice production. The study therefore recommended that government and relevant stakeholders should prioritize establishment of the best extension teaching methods and systems as well as administration to help increase rate of adoption of innovations and sustainability of the use of these technologies over timeenADOPTION OF RICE PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES INTRODUCED BY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH OUTREACH CENTRES AMONG RICE FARMERS IN CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL ZONE OF NIGER STATE, NIGERIAThesis