Abimiku, JohnIshaya, Daniel LekuYahaya, Sabo Sarkin Noma2023-12-112023-12-112021-09-01Aliku, F. (2019). A telephone interviexo: National prosecutor making peace with enemies, Retrieved July, 2021. i Aminar, K., Weaver, R. & Saxon, S. (2004). Muslims in Prison: A case study from Ohio State Prisons. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 46, 414-28. j; ! Anderson, J. (2009). December 14. the most failed state; Letter from Mogadishu: The New Yorker, 64.https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/2332Radicalization syndrome are process of causing someone to adopt a measure or strategy of radical approach or issues of the regulation in decriminalization of victims of vulnerabilities in restorative justice. This aim at individual or social group who come to adopt increasingly radical views in opposition to political, social or religious 'status quo. Radicalization occurs across multiple reinforcing pathways as a process to support terrorism and violent extremism and in some cases the Joint terrorist; groups to combat the risk of vulnerability trying to assimilate them into society. The; problems! of radicalization and radical ideology has become a major impediments and threats to national security challenges and a means of promoting political violence ideological and religious extremism. Most people were vulnerable to victims of restorative justice in the society as a result of decriminalization which is the removal of criminal status from certain behaviour or action and equally reclassification of law relating to certain acts of misconduct considered as a crime. The reformatory justice system is| applied retroactively reflects changing social moral views than an act is not harmful in decriminalized. De-radicalization, disarmament, restorative justice, reintegration are measures advancing to tackle the underlying problems, fueling terrorism! De-radicalization is significant in combating religion, ideology, political motivated terrorism given that the strategy not only to deconstruct and radicalize the insurgency. Nigeria radicalization and decriminalization program anchored towards countering Boko Haram which contributes dominantly to the problem of violent extremism. Therefore, the paper concludes and recommends measure that can be strengthened in the radicalization program for successful operations or performance involving procedure and methods of effectively in the restorative justice.enRadicalization, Decriminalization, Restorative, Justice and VulnerabilitiesRadicalization Syndrome: Issues and Challenges of Decriminalization Victims of Vulnerabilities in Restorative JusticeArticle