Odule, C.YOke, Tunde Dayo2023-12-132023-12-132017-07-21Oke, T.D & Odunle, C.Y (2017), ATTITUDE OF NCE STUDENTS TOWARDS THE USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES IN COLLEGES OF EDUCATION IN OGUN STATE.https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/4195This study examined the attitude of NCE students towards the use of Information and Communication Technology facilities in Colleges of Education in Ogun State. Three hypotheses were postulated to serve as a guide for the study. The sample consisted of one hundred and eighty (180) students selected from four colleges of education in Ogun State (one federal, one state and two private). The instrument used to collect data was Attitude to ICT Facilities Scale (AIFS) developed by the researchers. The data collected through this instrument were analyzed with chi square, Analysis of Variance, and Independent t-test statistical tools. The results of the analyses revealed that there was a significant influence of students' attitudes towards the use of ICT facilities in Colleges of Education. Also, that student's use of ICT facilities was not statistically different based on the type of college and gender. Arising from the findings, it was recommended among others that government, NGOs, all stakeholders in education should join hands to equip colleges of education with the state of the art ICT facilities and resources, in order to promote, develop and stimulate the attitude ofstudents towards the use of ICT.enATTITUDE OF NCE STUDENTS TOWARDS THE USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY FACILITIES IN COLLEGES OF EDUCATION IN OGUN STATEArticle