Dauda, Barnabas2023-12-142023-12-142019-01-02DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY KEFFI, IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS (RADIATION AND MEDICAL PHYSICShttps://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/6096DissertationThe increasing use of X-ray procedure in the field of human medicine has made dosimetric evaluation and optimization of these procedures an important consideration. There is an ongoing effort to minimize dose to patient without compromising diagnostic information from such a procedure. A dose of a radiation is not only dependent on the type of radiation, imaging modality and distance from the source, but also the radiosensitivity of the organ or cell. The study aimed to measure the absorbed dose to selected organs of the abdominal and pelvic cavity. The materials that were used in the study include body phantom, thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD-40), glycerine and water. In the study, absorbed doses to the ovary uterus, prostrate, liver, and kidney where measured by the used of the TLD chips. The chips were placed inside the phantom probe holes (inserts). These inserts contained a water-glycerine solution having density equivalent to each organ considered for dose measurement. Exposed TLDs were read by a manual TLD reader. Results shows the mean dose to the ovary at hospital H.1, H.2, H.3 and H.4 are 0.35mGy, 0.42mGy, 0.39mGy, and 0.44mGy respectively. For the uterus the result obtained were 0.36mGy, 0.68mGy, 0.40mGy, and 0.29mGy across hospital H.1, H.2, H.3 and H.4. Mean organ dose to the prostrate are: 0.45mGy, 0.41mGy, 0.39mGy, and 0.44mGy. The liver has 0.41mGy, 0.37mGy, 0.33mGy, and 0.33mGy. Lastly organ dose to the kidney was measured and the following results were obtained: 0.42mGy, 0.68mGy, 0.45mGy, 0.49mGy across hospital H.1-H.4 respectively. These results were compared with reference levels established by local and international organizations and seen to have exceeded the established benchmark. Even though in this study, the mean dose to the abdominopelvic organs is much lower than established reference levels, there appear to be wide discrepancy in the organs absorbed dose. Thus, I will recommend more of such study be carried out particularly in north central Nigeria as results such a study can be used in establishing of local, regional or even national reference level.enMEASUREMENT OF ABDOMINAL AND PELVIC ORGANS DOSES OF CONVENTIONAL X-RAY FOR LOCALLY DEVELOPED PHANTOM IN SOME HOSPITALS IN JOS, NIGERIAThesis