Andrew, Yako B.Anyanwu, G.I.Ogo, N.I.Auta, K.I2023-12-142023-12-142006-04-14Andrew, Yako B. & (2006) ABUNDANCE OF MOSQUITOES OF SOME SELECTED AREAS ON THE JOS PLATEAU, NIGERIA generally are pests, and their bites make life unbearable and uncomfortable,;. present case study suggests that larger water holdings in and around our homes lead to an increase stages of larval‘development. Some species of mosquitoes described and identified thus, include; Culex annidioris, Ctilex,pipients fatigansj Aedes aedimorphus cuunwiini; Aedes aedi/nerphus domesticus, Anopheles moucheti, and Anopheles funesUts complex.. I wo tribes of mosquitoes: The Anophilis which arc vectors of human malaria and culicini of bird malaria • . as well their medical importance, are being discussed. Others are known today as dangerous vectors. The. //lain , difference being a simple feature of lliuir behaviour whether or not they-bile map i.e. anthropopldlic or animals i.c. ■ zoophilia Ho wever, there was no mean difference, in the distribution of mosquitoes specie in selected areas on the ./ox Plateau given that P<4.-26 (ANOVA~P<95 critical value) and there was a mean difference in the total . population of mosquitoes, collected in various pools in selected areas on l{le Jos Plateau given that P>3.6S iANOVA~P>95 critical value).enClassification, Description, Mosquilo, Species, Medical Importance, Nigeria.ABUNDANCE OF MOSQUITOES OF SOME SELECTED AREAS ON THE JOS PLATEAU, NIGERIAArticle