Ndagi, S. SaiduMaifata, Mu'azu NurudeenAbdullahi, Abubakar Mohammed2023-12-132023-12-132021-06Bray, B. (2004). “Electronic books: To "e" or not to "e"; that is the question.” Searcher 8(4), pp.28-39 (online). Retrieved March 3, 2014 from the World Wide Web:http://www.infotoday.com/searcher/aprOO/ardito.htm Cabral, J. (2002). “UVA library's free e-books a success.” Library Journal 125(19), p.14- (online). Retrieved March 4,2014 from ProQuest (database). Bell & Howell. Carey, K. (2009). What colleges should learn from newspapers' decline? Retrieved April 30, 2009 from http://chronicle.com/free/v55/i30/30a02101 .htmhttps://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/4505The paper examined the factors influencing the reading habits of university students by leveraging on demographic variables and academic disciplines. The paper gave an overview from extant literature that showed that writing apprehension, anxiety, problems of critiquing, poor study habits, indulgence and poor reading comprehensions are factors influencing reading habits of university students. The paper is conscious of the ways which issues around university students literacy is treated with caution, it is worrisome that reading rates is generally dropping. The assumptions that student are well informed before coming to read a particular course is then questioned because students come to class not fully prepared to participate. Other activities take up university students' time such as mobile phones, internet, listening to music, watching entertainments at the cost of studying. University students are encouraged to prioritise their efforts to studying to overcome their demographic weaknessesenAcademic discipline, Reading habit and University studentDEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES AND ACADEMIC DISCIPLINES AS FACTORS INFLUENCING THE READING HABITS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTSArticle