Usoh, Ngozi Geraldine2023-12-112023-12-112020-03-01Adesina, D. (2009).The National Health Insurance Scheme. The Nigerian Doctor. Agba A., Ushie, E., &Osuchukwu, N. (2010) National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and Employees′ Access to Healthcare Services in Cross River State, Nigeria. Glob J Hum Soc Sci, 10, 9-16. Ahmed S., Delaney K., Villalba-Diebold P., Aliyu G.,Constantine N., Ememabelem M., Vertefeuille J.,Blattner W., Nasidi A., &Charurat, M. (2013) HIV counseling and testing and access-to-care needs of populations most-at-risk for HIV in Nigeria. AIDS care, 25, 85-94. Aizer, A., & Grogger, J. (2003) Parental Medicaid expansions and health insurance coverage. National Bureau of Economic Research. Andrulis Ana, J. (2010) Nigeria Healthwatch. Rejoinder.NHIS in Nigeria.Htm Andrew, J. B. & Yaniv, H. (2017) Knowledge and understanding of health insurance: challenges and remedies: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research volume 6, Article number: 40 (2017) APRM (2008) Country Review Report.Federal Republic of Nigeria. APRM, Midrand, 1685, South Africa Asubonteng, P., McCleary, K.J. and Swan, J.E. (1996) SERVQUAL revisited: a critical review of service quality. Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 10 No. 6, pp. 62-81. Bergen, M., Shantanu, D., & Orville, C. Walker (1992) Agency relationships in marketing: A review of the implications and applications of agency and related theories. The Journal of Marketing:1-24 healthy workforce is paramount to the realization of organizational objectives therefore employers seek ways to ensure that their employees’ are properly motivated. The National Health Insurance Scheme was introduced to reduce absenteeism from work as a result of health challenges resulting in employees’ productivity This study examined the effect National health insurance scheme on employees’ performance in the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing. The study adopted survey research design, primary method of data collection through questionnaires. The data was presented in simple percentage with the aid of tables, mean model was used to test the Hypothesis. Findings from the study revealed that, there is a significant relationship between the National Health Insurance Scheme and employees’ performance in the ministry of works and housing. The study recommends that the NHIS scheme should be given the necessary support for them to serve the employees’ of diverse organization effectively and probably spread their reach to cover more employees as it has been noted that the scheme is one of the factors that boost employees’ performanceenInsurance, Health Insurance Scheme and Employee’s PerformanceEFFECT OF NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEME ON THE EMPLOYEES’ PERFORMANCE IN THE FEDERAL MINISTRY OF WORKS AND HOUSING IN NIGERIAArticle