Abdullahi, AdamuAgu, Monica NnennaMallami, Keffi Muhammad2023-12-102023-12-102022-12-06Mallami, K.M. (2022). Effect of COVID-19 on the Growth of Point of Sales (POS) in Nasarawa-West Senatorial Districthttps://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/1040Nasanma-We7tSeta!le- Covid~19 on the S^owth of point of sales (POS) in lockdown affect,! The sludV sought *>: determine the extent to which affects the exnnJ- &™th °f Point of Sales (POS), find out how social distancing restriction offer, ! °fPoint °fSales (P0S)- ascertain the extent to which movement closure on the e growth ofP oint of Soles (POS) and examine the effect of market Population of th°W™ °f Sales (POS). The study adopted survey design. The Population usi 6y SiudP was 1495 and sample of 315 was determined from the gather the r * °r° ^amen formula. The study used a questionnaire as a tool to ANOVa regr S^0nden^s' opinions. Descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation, and indicated that ™ere USed t0 evaluate the data- Multiple Regression Analysis closure and S* • ^ndepcndent variables (Lockdown, Movement Restriction, Market which are salT^ Dista^ing) are significantly related to the dependent variables Srowth which u pr°d'li arid expansion except the case of social distancing and sales °S msignificant effect. The study concluded that COVID-19 pandemic has no devastating effect on SSEs growth in Nasarawa-West District of Nasarawa State. This is clearly showed by the positive significant coefficient of regression results. Therefore the study recommended that: Businesses should start offering digital or online sales and services; proactive preparations should be made in advance of situations like COVID-J9 that are likely to have an effect on the organizations; In times of adversity, as the COVID-19 epidemic, astringent macroeconomic monetary and fiscal policies are formalized and developed to assist SSEs.enPoint of Sales (POS), Movement Restriction, Covid-19, Lockdown, Social Distancing and Market closureEffect of COVID-19 on the Growth of Point of Sales (POS) in Nasarawa-West Senatorial DistrictArticle