Abdullahi, Mohammed Yamma2023-12-142023-12-142014-09-19Trmufommtion. IbacS: SfSm LimitS^" Management- solution a"d f the national question in Nigeria" in Babawale, T. (ed) Urban md ^ Challen8S °f ^Malian in Nigeria. Lagos: CW(X'corisMution. Engbsh LaW' London; Cox & Wyman Ltd. A.V. (1965). Law of the ’(edS)plmSs wdpSi 7P In‘erp°,UP Relati0n; The NiSerian Experience” in K wanashie, M. (ed) Polmcs and Pohncal Power Relations in Nigeria. Oshodi-Lagos: Dat & Partners. The 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.https://keffi.nsuk.edu.ng/handle/20.500.14448/6891ArticleAbstract Jpru g€h g WO!s.e yeart1/-Issues of militancy, Boko Haram and kidnapping are some of the SrZt r Pr°,blemf:, fNi8eria has 800d sovernance, leadership, provides developmental teria Tefalf ^ 50 ^ there wUl be ^ttrif challenges emerging in sentiments and recomnfabsolutions. pr°mWent problems in Nigeria, including religion, withoutenOVERCOMING THE SECURITY CHALLENGES IN NIGERIA.Article