Aladeokin, Babade Babasola2023-12-142023-12-142021-05-01A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI, IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF MASTERS OF SCIENCE DEGREE study assessed the housing conditions in Mararaba with a view to evolving measures for and proving housing situation in the town, examine the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents and the level of urbanization as it affects the housing condition in Mararaba town, 'samples of 317 households were taken to represent the population of Mararaba and three instruments namely questionnaire, interview> and observation were used concurrently in getting rimary data. Simple and systematic random sampling were used based on a sample frame of ;J5. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics where bar charts, pie charts, istograms, multiple graphs and tables constituted the main instruments of the analyses. It was is covered in the research that housing facilities in most parts of the town were not adequately provided and this has caused rapid decay* of existing housing and a plethora of socio-economic challenges among residents of the study area. It was also observed that the decay was in part 'ue to lack of periodic maintenance of existing houses and high cost of living. These were found ) have profound implications on rental values of properties, overcrowding and slum upsurge in ie study area. It was recommended that Government should rise to the challenges of housing revision and infrastructure for the growing population in the study area. Some form of Public private Partnership on housing delivery should be encouraged by government to promote access ) decent housing.enASSESSMENT OF HOUSING CONDITIONS IN MARARABA, KARU LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, NASARAWA STATE, NIGERIAThesis