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Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi
There is no doubt that what happened this year, 2005/2006 Hajj operation, is the worst experience that intending pilgrims from Nigeria have had to contend with in recent times. Because of the problem that came up as a result of the Government inability to air lift pilgrims to Mekkah; individuals and organizations have called on the government to give private organizations the right to be airlifting pilgrims. This paper intends to examine the organization of pilgrimage in Nigeria , with a view to address the impending administrative bottleneck emanated out of in-activity or otherwise on the parts of those assigned to airlift the pilgrims for a smooth Hajj operation
1. Maulana Muhammad Ali, The Religion of Islam, New – Delhi S. Chand & company Ltd, ND 507. 2. Q2:197, Yusuf Ali 3. Maulana M. Ali, The Religion of Islam, 523. 4. Hamudah Abdulati, Islam in Focus, American Trust Indianapolis, 1975, 99. 5. Mohammed Amin, Pilgrimage to Mecca, London, Alan Hutchison Publishing co. Ltd., 1978, 19. 6. Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, Cap 321, Sec 1(1) p11908. 7. Laws of the Federation 8. Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, Cap 321, Sec 5(1) and Sec 9(1). 9. An interview with the Secretary, Nasarawa State Pilgrims Board Alhaji Abdullahi Shehu, Wednesday 25/01/06. 10. Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, cap 321, Sec. 8(1-7). 11. “Hajji: Sorry is not enough”, Daily Trust Newspaper, Monday, January 9, 2006, 1-2. 12. “Another Hajj, another headache: X-raying DPA‟S Abysmal performance”, January 7-13, 2006, 6. 13. “Another Hajj, another headache…” 14. An interview with the Secretary, Nasarawa State pilgrims Board Alh. Abdullahi Shehu, Wednesday 25/01/05. 15. Weekly Trust, January 7-13, 6. 16. Ibid. 17. Ibid. 18. “2005 Hajj operations shoddy” Daily Trust, Thursday, January 26, 2006, 8. 19. Daily Trust, Monday January 9, 2006, 6. 20. Weekly Trust, January 7-13, 6. 21. Ujudud Sheriff “The shame of a Nation (1)”, Daily Trust Newspaper, Tuesday January 10, 2006, Tuesday Column. 22. Daily Trust Monday January 9, 2006, 2.