COMPARATIVE NUTRITIONAL EVALUATION OF THREE SPECIES OF MELON (iCucumis melo, Cucurbita moscknta anti Cucumeropsis rnannii) SEEDS.
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The high incidence of malnutrition in developing countries has led to the search for food materials which are high in energy density and proteins coupled with affordability and availability. This study evaluates the nutritional composition of three species of melon seeds (Cucumeropsis. mannii, Cucumis. melo, and Cucurbita. moschata). The seeds were obtained from Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Proximate composition and qualitative phytochemical screening was determined by the method of Association of Official Analytical Chemists method (AOAC). Vitamins, amino acids and minerals were determined by standard methods. Oils were extracted from the samples using soxhlet apparatus with n-hexane. The result of phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of phenol, alkaloids, terpenes, triterpenes, cardiac glycoside, sterols, terpenoids and tannins in the three species. The proximate composition revealed that crude fat is high in all the samples with C. moschata having the highest (41.23%) while C. mannii have the highest crude protein (26.31%). The result also reveals that all the samples have low carbohydrate (11%, 14% &13%) for C. mannii, C. melo and C. moschata respectively. The result of mineral composition reveals that potassium is high in ail the samples with C. moschata having the highest (84.62 mg/lOOg) while Cadmium is the lowest (0.06mg/100g). The varieties also contain (3-carotene, a-tocopherol and Ascorbic acid where |3-carotene is the most abundant in the three varieties. The amino acid imposition revealed leucine, alanine, phenylalanine, arginine, glutamic acid serine and aspartic acid to be the highest in all the samples. The percentage oil yield from the seeds were 32.90%, 31.38%, and 37.28% for C. mannii, C. melo and C. moschata respectively. The physicochemical properties of the oil obtained revealed acid value (mgKOH/g) in the range of 0.38-0.53. Saponification value (mg/KOH/g) 152.5-168.3. Iodine value (g/h/100g) 92.7-119.5 free fatty acid ;%01eic) 2.34-3.66. Peroxide value (meqKOH/g) 4.56-6.38 and the pH in the range of 6.09-6.18 for C. mannii, C, melo and C. moschata respectively. Colour was golden yellow, odour was agreeable, and the oil was liquid at room temperature. In conclusion, the three melon seeds species :ontain almost similar nutritional composition. This justified the use of the melon seeds for .ndustrial, food, medicinal and cosmetic purposes. !