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Department of Islamic Studies, Nasarawa State University Keffi


It is the aspiration of Islam and Muslim all over Nigeria and North-Central Nigeria specifically to produce knowledgeable and pious citizens in order to achieve the perfection in this world and the hereafter. One very pertinent action made by the Federal government of Nigeria through the Federal Ministry of Education is to introduce the subject of Islamic Religious Knowledge (IRK) into the national educational curriculum. It is highly expected that the future generation produced through this system will be of strong believers, knowledgeable and pious with good attitudes and refine qualities based on the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah. This research was carried out using three instruments: library, interviews and observations to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of IRK teachers specifically in the implementation of various methodologies of teaching and learning in the subject. This research identifies the challenges faced by the constant revision of IRK curriculum by government and the ineffective teaching strategies adopted by the IRK teachers whom the research discovers that many are virtually unqualified. The research observes that methods like educational field trips, audio visual and dictation are the least popular. The study therefore recommends that new changes for IRK in secondary schools in North-central Nigeria are needed especially the teachers' way of thinking, attitudes and their mind sets in order to enhance and strengthen the process of teaching and learning the subject (IRK) in secondary schools.




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