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Unimproved sanitation which is the hallmark of poor waste management is the major barrier to proper environmental management worldwide. No town in Nigeria especially the urban and semi-urban centres of high population density can boast of having an appropriate solution to these challenges, rather the problem continues to assume monstrous dimensions. This study assesses Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bukuru, Jos south Local Government Area of Plateau State. The study made use of both primary and secondary sources of data. Primary data were obtained from questionnaires, interviews, survey and personal observation. The secondary data were obtained from journals, textbooks, newspapers and magazines, from the internet and previous reports on similar studies. A total of 210 questionnaires were generated and distributed to different respondents in a heterogeneous society. A lottery system of random sampling was deployed to select 10 neighborhoods for the study. Data was analyzed using simple descriptive statistical tools like tables, charts and frequency of occurrences of phenomena. The results obtained shows that equipments used for waste disposal are tippers, side loader trucks, pail loaders, back hoe/bucket loaders, wheel barrows, push carts and pedaled tricycles. The waste containers used are metals, cartons, containers etc. Different sources of municipal solid wastes are farm products, domestic activities and road side droppings. Plastics/polythenes are the highest types of waste generated with bottles and tins constituting a significant percentage of waste generated. A significant number of people (44.3%) opined that waste is evacuated once in a month from the dumpsters by PEPSA whilst 22.3% says that the waste is evacuated only twice a month. Also 82.4% of the respondents are not aware of the activities of PEPSA in waste disposal in the study area and 65.7% of the people have a poor perception of PEPSA in Municipal Solid Waste Management. The problems inhibiting PEPSA’s performance in waste management are economic, institutional and legislative in nature, physical and natural, socio-cultural constrains and also technical, political and operational in nature. The study concludes that a holistic waste management approach involving competent private sector participants are key in managing the problems of municipal solid waste management in the study area. Key recommendations proffered are that each household should have a standard 120L or 240L liter bin or a bin should be centrally located in a neighborhood and cost of evacuation shared amongst households. The large dumpsters provided by PEPSA should be evacuated regularly to curb the problem of environmental pollution and health concerns. Also a three day interval evacuation is recommended to stem the tide of environmental degradation. There is the need to provide continuous program of public awareness concerning effective and efficient municipal solid waste management practices. Enforcement of waste management legislation is required as a proper policy and planning framework for effective Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bukuru, Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State.