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Department of Geology and Mining, Nasarawa State University Keffi


This work provide basis of understanding groundwater potential and solving the water scarcity of the study area. Water demand of the study area was determined. Water demand of the Teaching and Administrative area is 2,847 m3/d, for area “A” is 212 m3/d, for area “C” is 130 m3/d, for area “BZ” is 278 m3/d, for area “F” is 187 m3/d, for area “G” is 88 m3/d, for area “E” is 82 m3/d, for Catering Flats near Staff Club is 16 m3/d, for Quarters III is 90 m3/d, for Waterworks Junior Staff Quarter is 10 m3/d, for Silver Jubilee is 200 m3/d, for Aviation Site II is 60 m3/d, medical students is 93.6 m3, Shika Hospital is 154 m3/d/ respectively giving the total water demand of the study area 4,354 m3 . The water demand /requirement for the hospital is 77,000 lpcd (77 m3/d). Boreholes and hand dug wells in the study area were located on the map. Geological map of the study area was upgraded. Map of configuration of groundwater table and its flow direction was plotted. Water budget map of the study area was produced. Volume of base flow and surface runoff in the Campus were calculated. Surface runoff and grey water disposal were proposed. Surface and Groundwater Resources of the Campus were calculated to determine its reserves. Hydrogeological map of the study area was produced



Surface and groundwater resources, water budget, water demand, water scarcity, reserves and hydrogeology


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