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This study is an investigation of the effect of rainwater and its permeation (geotechnical engineering properties) through the later it e soil of subgrade and- base—soils used in the construction of road in Kejfi Local Government Area. Soil sample were collected with the aid of the tools; digger, tape, soil color chart, sieve and trowel from the borrow pit in Panda Development Area in Nasarawa state; the samples were subjected to the following laboratory tests; Particle (grain) size analysis, A tier berg limit test, Compaction test, California bearing ratio (CBR) test and Specific gravity test. Analysis of the grain size curve shows that soil sample A is well graded with coarse grained. The plasticity and shrincages indicate low plasticity of 19. 14%. As the water content increases, its effect becomes progressively easier that disturbed the soil structure and dried density achieved with a working comparative effort increases. The soil exhibits moderate swelling potentials with plasticity index of 12.60 with 90% consolidation in 50.5 minutes. The use of soil as road construction materials should however, be used with caution in the study area. The summary of the pavement condition result shows that; roads were generally moderate to poor and showed sign of fatigue cracking and patched areas and numerous. The study recommended that appropriate methods of improving the engineering properties of non-suitable laterile should be adopted.