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This study ecamined government intervention and the performance of Abuja Electricity Distribution Company in FCT, Abuja. Descriptive Research design was used intended to establishing the relationships between the dependent and independent variables and in turn analyzing it using SPSS; the major instrument used for data collection was questionnaire, which was structured using three-point Likert scale. Simple percentages, cumulative percentages, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were employed to analyze the data obtained from the respondents. Findings shows that, there is significant relationship between government revenue intervention and performance of Abuja Electricity Distribution Company in FCT Abuja. Finding from the study further revealed that, there is significant relationship between poor rate of collection and remittances of electricity bill and low performance of Abuja Electricity Distribution Company. The study recommends that, The Federal Government should ensure that all the financial intervention are properly utilized by AEDC and the intervention fund should be used to address the epileptic power supply. The management of the AEDC should put more measures in place to improve remittances of electricity bill which will subsequently improve its performance. The AEDC should ensure that majority of its customers get install pre-paid meters, this gives room for automation of bill collection and as well block financial leakages.



Abuja Electricity Distribution Company, Bill collection, Intervention, performance, Remittance


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