Productivity and Egg Quality Characteristics of Free Range Naked Neck and Normal Feathered Nigerian Indigenous Chickens



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Department of Animal Science, Nasarawa State University, Keffi.


A study was conducted in Nasarawa State, North Central Nigeria to determine the productivity and egg quality traits of free range naked neck and full-feathered chickens. A total of one hundred and two smallholder farmers were randomly selected. Information was obtained on average eggs per clutch, hatchability and mortality, while hen’s body weight was measured directly on the day of egg collection. One hundred and two freshly laid eggs (51 eggs from each genotype) were used to evaluate external and internal egg qualities. Body weight and average eggs per clutch were significantly (p<0.05) higher in naked neck genotype compared to the normal feathered birds (1.30 vs. 1.16kg; 11.63 vs. 9.71 respectively). Normal feathered genotype recorded higher mortality (36.85%) than naked neck birds (28.60%). No significant (p>0.05) difference was found between the two genotypes in hatchability. Mean values for egg weight, egg length, egg width, egg shape index, shell thickness, albumen weight, albumen height, yolk weight, yolk height, yolk width and haugh unit were significantly (p<0.05) higher in naked neck hens than their normal feathered counterparts. There was no superiority in shell weight and yolk index. The association between egg weight and other egg biometrical traits were found to be positive and significant (r = 0.22-0.79; p<0.05). Other egg parameters were either positively or inversely correlated with each other. Egg weight was better predicted (R2 = 34.44%) using a combination of egg length and egg width. The estimation of shell weight from egg length, egg width and egg weight gave lower values (R2 = 2.86-3.91%). The incorporation of allometry improved the prediction accuracy of shell thickness, albumen weight and yolk weight from egg weight (R2 = 44.16,43.89 and 49.89%). It is concluded that the introgression of the naked neck gene into poultry could play a pivotal role in the genetic improvement of traditionally managed flocks.



Productivity, egg parameters, relationships, indigenous chickens, Nigeria


Yakubu, A et al. (2008), Productivity and Egg Quality Characteristics of Free Range Naked Neck and Normal Feathered Nigerian Indigenous Chickens.
