Embedding Emojis to Redefine Gaze-Point and Scan-path in a Visual Centre field


Gaze point reflects the eyes’ fixation on a visual field but doesn’t express the meaning of a fixation point and scan-path on the same area of interest as much as text-based expression. Text-based expressions are the most common type of emoticons. Emojis are derived from emotion and icons. In an instance when one is feeling happy, not-happy, overjoyed, or upset emoticons can help express the most basic form of these feelings in ways that word or speech cannot. An important function of emoji as a form of the communicative symbol is to convey emotional content from a sender to a receiver in a computer-mediated form of communication. Here we tend to redefine fixations points and scan-path using emoji and physiological response to convey user emotional response to a static webpage by a synchronous assembly of emoji coordinates and gaze points based on the following concepts: (1) correlating gaze points with emotional emoji (2) redefine eye movement behaviour with emoji bubbles (3) integrate physiological correlates for synchronious mapping of emoji characters. From the analysis, result shows that stress and neutral mood are the basic form of emotion expressed by users while dealing with specific form of web content, this reflects the dynamic changes in their pupil dilation.



: Emoji bubbles, Gaze point, Scan-path, Pupil dilation, Physiological response, Visual centre field


Ogah, M.U. et. al. (2021). Embedding Emojis to Redefine Gaze-Point and Scan-path in a Visual Centre field
