Board Composition and Financial Performance of National Deposits Money Banks in Nigeria



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Department of Accounting, Faculty Of Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi


Performance of banks has been identified as critical to the development of any economy. Equally, the boards of these banks also occupy a critical role in their performance as they are responsible for their success. The study examined the effect of board composition on the financial performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria. Secondary data were extracted from the annual reports and accounts of these banks. To achieve the objective of the study, multiple regression technique was adopted using the stata, version 12. The results showed that board size has negative but significant effect on the financial performance of the national deposit banks in Nigeria, non-executive directors have positive significant effect on the financial performance and independent non-executive directors have positive but insignificant effect on the financial performance of deposit banks in Nigeria. The study recommends less number of board size, between ten and fifteen which is around the mean taking into consideration the skills, competence, independence and availability for meetings. The study also recommends in line with corporate governance codes that emphasis be placed on non-executive directors although with great care and considerations.



Board composition, independent non-executive directors, net interest margin, non-executive directors


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