Nutritional Potential of the Fruits of Black Olive (Canarium schweinfurthii Linn) from Plateau State, Nigeria



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Department of Microbiology, Nassarawa State University Keffi,


The nutritional potential of the fruits of Black Olive (Canarium schweinfurthii Linn) were assessed by determining proximate and elemental composition. Anti-nutrient factors were also assessed. Results indicate crude fat of the fruit as 64.04%, protein 6.39%, fibre 16.37%, carbohydrate 3.85%, respectively. Mineral analysis revealed the order P>N>Mg>I>K in the fruits. Phosphorus and sodium levels were 1.74 and 1.369 mg/100 g, respectively. The result of anti-nutritional factor revealed high tannins (240 mg/100 g), phytic acid 162 and 26 mg/100 g oxalate which is relatively low. These results suggest that Canarium schweinfurthii variety with thick mesocarp is nutritive despite the presence of some anti-nutritive components like oxalate in very low levels. The final products will contain even less.



Black olive, Carbohydrate content, fibre content, oxalate


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