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Hotels are looking for new and creative ways to reach consumers. It is becoming increasingly important for hotel brands to appear appealing to consumers. One of the ways hotels are attempting to retain existing customers is through advertisement that evoke emotion. However, the need for survival, the desire to control larger market share and the dream of creating brand loyalty in the mind of consumers depend on the appropriate media to pay much attention to advertising programmes to commensurately improve performance in Hotels. The main objective of this study is to examine the effect of Advertisement on performance of Hotels Performance in Keffi Metropolis. The work specifically covered three medium of advertisement, specifically, (Television, Radio and Billboard advertisements) and Hotel Service in Keffi Metropolis from 2013 to 2017. The study adopted a survey research. The decision was made because a research design constitutes the arrangement for collection, measurement and analysis of data. The study involved finding the effect between the independent variables (Television, Radio and Billboard advertisement) and dependent (Performance) variable. This is done in order for the design to be effective and the procedure to be well defined. The population of the study is all the customers of 39 registered Hotels in Keffi Metropolis. The population although is finite but cannot be easily determined. Systematic and convenient sampling techniques were used, and 105 costumers of Hotels in Keffi Metropolis were selected. Thus, making a sample size of 105 respondents in Keffi, who have been patronizing the hotels from 2013to 2017. The data was collected through the use of questionnaire. The data was collected from the customers of Hotel Service in Keffi Metropolis. The data collected for this study was tested and analysed using regression analysis. The results indicated that advertising has significant effect on Hotels Performance in Keffi Metropolis. The study recommends that Hotels in keffi should use radio advertising to be able to reach out to their customers in all nook and cronies to boost their performance and consequent profitability; Hotels in Keffi should give less attention in spending on billboard advertising because it does not reach out to people in the villages; and they should also support the use of TV advertising to the radio advertising because customers appreciate some features in the TV advertising that cannot be seen in radio advertising