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The study provided an economic analysis of the losses from deforestation in Akwanga Local government, Nasarawa State Nigeria. Specifically, the study evaluated the effects of economic factors affecting deforestation in Akwanga Local Government. It also identified 'e factors that influence the decision to deforest. The study further examined the nature and ['tent of deforestation in the state. primary and secondary data generated were analyzed with scriptive statistics, multiple regression and analytical techniques. Also total economic graduation (TEV) model of valuing deforestation was used to achieve aggregate economic loss om different deforestation operations in different sectors of forest use. The major finding of the shows that hush Jire was the highest cause of defoliation in Akwanga Local Government, room the study, (9lZc of the respondents slated that they had no knowledge of any west extension services. Furthermore, the total economic value (TEV) loss of forests in the last, tree years were N75.855,558.00 for 200H; NS9,674,707.00 for 2007 and NS5,683,956.00 for 006. Multivariable lintier results of farmland clearance of forest for cropping activities show nit only size of land, land (enure system and types of cropping were significant at 5% in explaining the observed vulnerabilities in the dependent variable (Y). The study further found out ml deforestation experience, household size, total landholdings, educational attainment and render of respondents were significant at H)c/c in explaining the observed variabilities for socioeconomic characteristics influencing the decision to clear forest for agricultural activities sing farmers level logic regression results. Based on the findings, the study recommends that n est extension services to the rural households that engage in forestry activities should be 'lengthened through frequent training. This will help them have adequate and recent information about government policies on environment and communicate the same to the rural 'stakeholders. Also, there is need for constant use of both electronic and print media in' strengthening anti-deforestation awareness and in communicating recent forestry policies of the government to all the stakeholders in the state. Government should encourage the use of energy living stove. This will help reduce the quantity of fuel-wood use and hence reduce the level of eforestation result ion in the study area.