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Rapid urbanization particularly in Nigeria comes with it consequences for workers which include stress and other related factors. The study examined the sociological study of urban stress on the working population in Lafia. Nigerian towns are growing without adequate planning with millions of Nigerians living in sub-standard and sub-human environments, plagued by slum, squalor and grossly inadequate social amenities. The result is manifested in growing overcrowding in homes and increasing pressure on infrastructural facilities and rapid deteriorating environment. The study focused on workers in 6 ministries in Lafia. Survey research design was adopted to collect the information needed. The population of the study was 1,055 workers in the ministries. Yaro Yamane formula was used to draw a sample size of 292 out of a population of 1,055 and stratified sampling technique was employed. The data was collected using questionnaire and secondary sources. The method of data analysis includes simple percentaging. Results obtained, shows that majority of the workers indicated that Lafia and its environs has affected their health and this is manifested in workers suffering from ailment such as headache, back pain, insomnia, hypertension, fatigue, etc. It was further observed that respondents in order to relieve stress often take it out to someone (colleague/family). The research finding also revealed that majority of the respondent indicates that urban stress has effect on their productivity at work. The researcher based on the findings recommended that employees and new employees when employed should be given training as regards to their expected duties or roles; government should organize workshops that will educate employees about the sources and effects of stress on their health; provide a befitting and enabling environment; create alternative road in order to reduce traffic congestion. vi