The dichotomy of the world along two economic poles, of developed and developing is mostly linked to the level of science and technology sophistication. This implies that science and technology play pivotal roles in the development of nations. However, to be effective and relevant, science and technology must be carried out in such a way that promotes sustainable development. This is because there are certain issues that are associated with science and technology that need to be properly addressed. Some of these issues are social, economic, ethical, political and environmental. The totality of all these can be said to be what constitutes sustainable development. The global power play is focused on the levels of science and technology of nations. This has placed African countries at a disadvantage. There are also ethical implications of these vital aspects of man ’s endcivour. Science and technology are human centered since they strive to make man to conquer, domesticate his environment and understand nature towards making man comfortable. This makes science and technology to provoke certain epistemological questions that border on the relevance and benefits of science and technology. In this paper, effort is made to establish the imperative of education to science and technology. The study is a theoretical investigation into the trajectory of nation-building which has been hampered through the prevalence of. extreme poverty. The methodology adopted is basically secondary sources, and relevant research materials from books, journals, government documents, internet, etc, were used. The paper concludes that for any meaningful development to happen in the Africa country, the political class must go on a reverse gear in terms of policy formulation, evaluation and implementation with a strong resolve to tackle social problems, especially those problems associated with the nexus of education and science and technology in other to promotes sustainable development headlong
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Few topics in the world of management generate more controversy than those on labour related matters. This paper carried Oik an assessment of the effects of labour unions and collective bargaining on organizational productivity - using some selected organizations and their corresponding labour unions. Adopting a survey research method and with the use cf simple percentage to analyze respondent's opinions, it is observed that labour unions through collective bargaining have, over two years, been instrumental in going workers protection against exploitation by perfumer employers, a voice in the labour market and helping them to achieve a better standard cf living which are, in a way, intrinsic factors for motivation, capable cf boosting organizational productivity. However in today's dynamic world, epitomized by its characteristically divergent cultures, values,'etc, workers needs have become even more dynamic, thus, there is the need for a much more all indusive representation for all workers at the negotiation table for better agreements.