Two Sex Model for Horizontal Transmission of STD in a Constants Homogeneous mixing population
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In this paper, we examined llic two sex model ofl-lsich4 and Kimbir cl a/..', and extended these models to study transmission dynamics of socially ti'nnsmitlcd diseased STD ) in a proportional mixing population with vital dynamics, and no disease induced death. Our major focus is to reduce the cost of disease intervention towards eradication of curable STD. like gonorrhea and others, which is heller achieved through preventive measure rather than Irentmenl. a concept dial is cheaper and affordable, in developing economies like ours. We have proposed a variant of the Kimbir el a/..5 model of prevention of 111 V / AIDS in a varying population to study the transmission dynamics of STD. Stability of the equilibriums slates lire discussed via the reproductive ratio of the infection and the Routh -1 Iunviiz.conditions on the model parameters. Threshold conditions for eradication and persistent of the disease arc derived nod interpreĀ tation are discussed. '