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Entrepreneurship has been recognized as a powerful engine of economic growth and wealth creation, and is crucial for improving the quality number and variety of employment opportunities for the poor. Historical research method was adopted for the paper. That is, Some basic historical documents were relied upon for purposes such as National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy; 2011 -2015, Federal Ministry of Science and Technology “Official Pamphlet, 2014 - 2018, National Board for Technology Incubation (NBTI) strategic plan, Guideline and procedure for the registration of entrepreneur’s documents and technology incubation centres monthly progressive report form. Other data were collected from Journals, unpublished materials, newspapers, magazines and the internet site. Finding from the study reveals that, Technology Incubation Centres (TICs) are centres established by the Federal Government to support technology development in Nigeria. Finding from the study further reveals that, there are 33 centres with estimated 850 or more active Entrepreneurs. Survey of the entrepreneur’s technology development products at various centre includes; electroplanting engineering component, nails and metals, plastic bottle molding, grain processing plant, incubator and hatchery, integrated yoghurt processing machine, DC - AC auto control inverter, Diesel sludge extractors, tricycle, clutch lever, battery terminal and cassava processing machine. The study concludes that, Technology Incubation Centres support Entrepreneurs to create new enterprises, new commercial activities, and new economic sectors. Technology Incubation Centres also contribute to the socioeconomic and technological development of Nigeria by promoting technological entrepreneurship, eradicating poverty through wealth creation, enhancing Nigeria’s technological capability, thereby ultimately reducing her reliance on petroleum resources