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The study examined the arterial road network and values of commercial properties in Abuja metropolis. The study adopted the cross-sectional survey technique to describe each of the many variables that are necessary for the study. It was discovered that ' commercial users displaced residential users, causing sites to be at highest and best with concomitant increases in. the values of commercial properties as well as accessibility within the road network is affected by the compact nature of various routes that sometimes impede volume of traffic. The study found that high rental value shows direct relationship with demand for commercial properties in the study area and was not unexpected as the central part of urban areas offer advantages of agglomeration of commercial activities. Based on the findings the following recommendations are made; when carrying out feasibility and viability appraisal, attention must be given to the issue of accessibility and road network. Road network analysis must be given due consideration as part of appraisal report when forming valuation opinion and accessibility assessed quantitatively rather than relying on intuition. It suffices to emphasize that Environmental experts and Valuers must consider road network. which actually delivers greater accessibility, as major, issue in valuation of commercial properties in the study area for their opinion of value to be reliable. The study found that most Environmental managers and Valuers rely on intuition in deciding the relative accessibility of arterial roads. Environmental managers and Valuers cannot afford to continue providing inadequate professional advice that is based on mere intuition. This is because investors in commercial properties require professional opinions on locations that will make such investment viable. The analysis showed individual levels of accessibility of the arterial roads in the study area, thereby giving developers and investors the choice of alternative sites along the roads. Government should increase its finding of road improvements including the construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation of the arterial road network. Arterial road network actually delivers location attributes, accessibility, and enhances demand, supply, quality of roads, and connectivity elements. uses