Effect of Concession Contract on Infrastructural Development in Kaduna State University, Nigeria



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The growing need for infrastructural development in Nigeria has left the government and other government agencies with no option but to resort into alternative means of providing the basic needs of their people. The choice of any PPP contract is very important; it is on the importance of choice of contract that this study examines the effect of concession contract on infrastructural development of Kaduna State University. Based on the nature of the study which involves the personal opinion of respondents, the study adopted a descriptive survey design approach. The population of the study consisted of all the staff of the works department of the university and a random sampling technique was used to select a total number of 60 staff for the study. The study used primary data. The result shows that Design-Build-Finance- Operate has a positive and significant effect on infrastructural development in Kaduna State University. The result also shows that Build-Own-Operate has a negative and insignificant effect on infrastructural development in Kaduna State University. The same thing with Build-Own-Operate-Transfer, it also shows a negative and insignificant effect on infrastructural development in Kaduna State University. Finally, Finance-Operate-Transfer a negative and significant effect on infrastructural development in Kaduna State University. The study therefore concluded that concession contract has a significant effect on infrastructural development in Kaduna State University. From the result of the analysis, it was revealed that the concession contract has a positive and significant effect on infrastructural development in Kaduna State University. It is therefore recommended that management of Kaduna State University should consider concession contract in terms of to improve infrastructural development in Kaduna State University. The study finds that, there is positive and significant relationship between Design-Build- Finance-Operate and infrastructural development in Kaduna State University. It is therefore recommended that, management of Kaduna State University should partner with institutions and individuals with requisite knowledge in Design-Build-Finance-Operate PPP contracts for greater infrastructural development in Kaduna State University.



Concession, Infrastructural Development, Design-Build-Finance- Operate, Build-Own-Operate, Build-Own-Operate-Transfer and Finance- Operate-Transfer


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