The Effect of Customer Relationship Marketing on Customer Retention in the Nigerian Banking Sector: A Case of Unity Bank Nigeria Limited



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Department of banking and finance, nasarawa state university keffi


Customer relationship management as a strategic marketing concept has gained tremendous interest among researchers and practitioners in recent times. Within the last two decades, a significant number of research works have been earned out on various issues relating to customer relationship management. However, few empirical studies on market orientation and performance have been established in the Nigerian banking sector. In an effort to contribute to the existing customer relationship management literature, a study of Unity bank Nigeria conducted. A framework of customer relationship management was designed to guide the study. This study examines the customer relationship marketing strategies of banks in a developing country like Nigeria with Unity bank as a case study. The study employed quantitative research techniques. Semi-structured questionnaires were designed for the study. The findings show that the bank is doing well by maintaining the relationship it initiates with its clients but must work on improving the number of contact time with them as e-CRJvI provides them with the opportunity to do so. However, a significant finding from the study is the realization that majority of respondents were willing to recommend the bank to others which is an indication that they were happy with the level of service at the bank. Although significant portion of those who considered the possibility of leaving indicated that they will do • so because of delayed transactions.It is in the light of this that the research is said to play a significant role in the banking sector and for the nation





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