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  • ItemOpen Access
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2008-08-15) Sule, Magaji; Suleiman, Bala Mohammed
    This paper measures the impact ofpoverty alleviation through micro credit ofcommunity bank a range ofwomen status indicators such as control over assets and savings, mobility, political awareness, participation in householder’s decision, and so on. Four hundred and fifty female respondents interviewed in two area councils ofGwagwalada and municipal in 2003. Respondents were selected based on experimental design to controlfor the presence ofparticipants in other micro credit institutions and duration of the credit. supplemented withfocus group discussion. We used multivariate analysis and estimated the credit impact on measures of gender inequity. We found that micro credit ofaveraging about N10,000 per borrower had a statistically significant impact on gender inequality within household in terms ofwomen's participation in decision making, and control over resources.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2009-06-15) Suleiman, Bala Mohammed
    This sociological analysis of harmfulpractices against the girl-child in Gwagwalada is based on an empiricalstudy. Itprovides insights into the variousforms ofharmfulpractices against the girl-child and its implications an her survival and future. Marxist-feminist paradigm was adopted for the study. Data was sourced through interview technique on parents, girl-children, medical and security personnel. Available records from hospitals, police station, court, and schools were sourced. The data was analysed through qualitative techniques. The study found the existence of widespread harmful practices that includes hawking, sexual abuse, early/forced marriages, circumcision, domestic exploitation, conflict related violence and denial of access to education andhealth services. It was also established that the girl-child survive under poor condition with uncertainfuture. The studyfound that most ofthe girl children have poorsocio-economic status. The abuse ofthe girl-childhas been due to tradition, illiteracy andpoverty. The study recommendssystematic and comprehensive public enlightenment and re-orientation, social policy to criminalise harmful practices iagainst the girl child as well asfaithful implementation ofthepolicy. It is also recommended that the stale must provide access to education, health and employmentfor girl-children and women.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2002-05-15) Suleiman, Bala Mohammed; Sule, Magaji
    The legislature is a critical institution in a democratic dispensation that links the peopje with the government. Legislature represents the power of the people to decide their destiny in planning and execution of socio-economic development policies. The National Assembly was engulfed in leadership crisis right from its inauguration. The Senate has produced three Senate presidents in less than two years while the House of Representative has produced two speakers during the period. This paper traced the National assembly crisis in Nigeria and suggested that, the National Assembly can still redeem its image in the remaining period of their mandate. Nigerians should reform themselves to the task of contributing for socio-economic development and fight the vices of corruption and mismanagement. This requires political will and discipline.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 1993-03-16) Suleiman, Bala Mohammed
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2001-07-12) Suleiman, Bala Mohammed; Kuna, M.B.
    This paper examines the performance of the Nigeria’s fourth experimental attempt towards adoption of what is globally considered as the most viable way of governance, that is liberal democracy. After examining intensively the structure and contradictory nature ofboth the concepts of globalisation and democratization, the paper then attempt a critical appraisal of the political economy of Nigeria’s democracy with a view to seeing how far the fourth democratic experiment has fared. The paper accordingly identified some issues that it considers as being some major threats to the experiment. Such issues include collapse of party politics, widespread poverty, collapsing infrastructure and social services, continuation of implementation of SAP (Structural Adjustment Programme) policies, and insecurity and lawlessness. The paper thus argues that for democracy to succeed in the country, serious structural changes are necessary to ensure that the experiment is made to become free ofsuch serious threats. The paper consequently advocated that spirit of dialogue; negotiation and consultation must become a way of life in the country. However, progressive Nigerians should use the limited opportunities of liberal democracy to create and nurture popular democracy. Civil society organizations and the labor should become more active in the struggle for democracy. The Nigerian politicians would like to continue with liberal democracy and neo-colonialism. They would never give up unless they are compelled to do so. Therefore, there is the need for very serious struggle tor popular democracy by organized groups. The paper finally concluded that in Nigeria there is presently no option than for Nigerians to guard the present liberal democracy and use it as a platform to achieve popular democracy.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2008-04-11) Suleiman, Bala Mohammed
    The paper examines the crisis of Nigerian education system .It observed that the most fundamental problem of education is inadequate funding leading to infrastructural decay, lack of expansion, brain drain and low quality of teaching and non teaching staff. This problem is manifest at all levels of education in various for-ms but especially as introduction of new fees and levies, sale of handout and textbooks, sexual harassment, examination and accreditation - racketeering of a sort. The paper then argues that improvement in the standard and administration of education in the country is contingent on adequate funding, improvement in condition of service, and the promotion of transparency and accountability in the management ofresources.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University, 2007-08-20) Suleiman, Bala Mohammed
    This paper is based on a study conducted on civil-military relations and democratization in Nigeria under the Obasanjo presidency. Specifically the studyfocuses on the nature ofcivil-military relations. Thepaper examines the measures taken to ensure civilian supremacy and military professionalism and the chances ofdemocratic consolidation inNigeria. The dataforthestudy was obtained through primary source in terms ofinterview with military and political elites who provided insights on civil-military relations in Nigeria. Secondary data in theform ofofficial documents, newspapers and magazines were sourced on the policy measures to ensure civilian control ofthe military institution. The data was analysed through qualitative technique. The study found that measures were adopted to ensure stable civil-military relations that include the retirement of officers who held political appointment, re- organisation ofthe command structure ofthe military, re-professionalisation programme and military anti-corruption crusade. Civilian control was achieved through the Ministry of Defence and Parliamentary control However, the future of democracy rests not just on a stable civil-military relations but on addressing the post-transition challenges including poverty, violence and insecurity, labour unrest, executive lawlessness and civilian dictatorship, ethnic tension and religious crisis.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2004-01-12) Suleiman, Bala Mohammed
    The paper challenges official claims that the political transition to democracy in Nigeria, 1985 to 1993 was a political engineering designed to institute a stable democratic polity. It establishes that the transition was a military agenda to legitimize an illegitimate military junta. The programme was planned and implemented to foster the continuation of military rule with minimal dissent. Its “hidden agenda" was to foster elite domination under military control and supervision. The transition programme transited to an interim government after the annulment of the June 12 elections of 1993, an election adjudged the most free and fair” election in Nigeria's political history. The paper recommends that for genuine political transition progamme, workers and peasants must be actively involved in the process of its planning and implementation. Also, civil society organizations and the media must be allowed to flourish without official hindrances and intimidation.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Impact of Corporate Social and Management Responsibilities to Community Development in Nigeria
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2021-09-11) Usman, Nura; Ishaya, Daniel Leku; Isah, M. D.
    Several decade numbers of corporate, social and management responsibilities among some firms have been sources of conflicts between the government communities and people within the environment. Awuya, 2015, noted that the growing environment, ecological and management impact have destroyed global social responsibilities, 1992, at a conference on national and international lectures organized by institutes of environmental and management studies porthacourt, the frame work of the conference was to ensure effective and efficient socia and management responsibilities within the immediate environment, e position of the study argued that social and management responsibilities are one of the fundamental pillars that promote the basic social welfare o the people in the environment.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Exploring Victims of Covid-19 Pandemic Syndrome: Issues; Perspective of Victimization in Nigeria
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2019-12-08) Ishaya, Daniel Leku; Yusuf, Hauwa'u E.
    Victims of covid-19 pandemic syndrome are wide spread and global phenomenon. The infectious disease was reported in Wuhan, Hubein province, China. It was caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome and the world health organization declared the outbreak to be public health emergency of International concerning on 3othJanuary, 2020.The cases of Coronavirus were widely reported in over 200 countries and territories resulting in appropriately 43,353,287 confirmed cases, 1,159,189 deaths and more the 31,907,258 discharged or recovered cases globally. The Nigeria recorded 86,576 confirmed cases, 1,278 deaths and the recovering or discharged cases was 73,322 respectively. The virus was a contagious infection disease and the symptoms was said to be coughing, sneezing. The nature of COVID19, victims and problems associated to pandemic syndrome differs and inevitable. Conspiracy theory were used for the paper. Physical distancing, stay at home, covering one's mouth, using of face-mask, monitoring and self-isolation was employed as a preventive measures and techniques of hindering the respiratory syndrome.The paper concludes and recommends that untold hardship and economic depression, looting was the major negative impact of the pandemic in the societies. Therefore, the paper recommends that the investment in research and development is essential tools to prevent future occurrences and government should provide a systemic mechanism to support citizens in terms of welfare, shelters, food and basic necessities of human needs. Medical practitioners should be motivated at all time to fight global pandemic and any forms of disease.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Crime and Punishment in Nigeria: Public Perception of State Laws and Criminal Sanctions
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2016-07-05) Ishaya, Daniel Leku
    Public perception of state laws and sanctions of the offender are inevitable particularly the nature of crime and punishment in Nigeria society with serious implications for the success or failure of the law and the legal system. The public thinks, believe, and feels about the law and the legal system determine whether people actually turn to law or turn away from if whether the support the law or fight it and therefore whether the legal system succeeds in its social control functions or fails. The cardinal objective of study is to conduct a survey of public perception of criminal laws and sanctions in Nigeria and the research questions were examined the level of public support for state laws, public choices of penalties for criminal offences the perceptions of state law and punishment in Nigeria subgroup population vary in the way of punish offences. The major theoretical framework used for the paper is Marxist theory this explain the inherent contradiction, inequality and division of classes and group in the society. The theory submits that many of the laws in Nigeria are biased in favors of the economically privileged class and the law will not receive much public support. The paper also utilized secondary sources of data analysis the study concluded and recommended that in order to sustain widespread public support for the state laws or even to broaden support. The majority of laws in Nigeria will elicit low or passive support.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Community Policing Relations and Partnership Among Law Enforcement in 21st Century Crime Regulation, Prevention and Management, Nasarawa State
    (2020-09-22) Ishaya, Daniel Leku
    Community policing relations and partnership among law enforcement aim at crime regulation and management in Nigeria with reference to Nasarawa state, Obi Local Government Area. The study sought to identify community policing and law enforcement in crime prevention; combating and the problem solving associates with community policing in crime prevention and partnership among law enforcement. Survey design was adopted and Questionnaire were administered. Frequency and percentages were used to describe the responses from respondents which shows that 3.56% was targeted sample from the population, out of 46 of the respondents, representing 29.5% described community policing as very effective mechanism of crime prevention in the study area. As well out 45 respondents, 28 of the respondents representing 62.22% agreed quality information determined law enforcement and community policing responses on crime prevention. This implies that community policing is an appropriate tool for crime regulation and management. Chi-square based measure was used to examine the relationship between and among the variables and test of hypotheses. Analysis of the study revealed that community policing and police law enforcement in crime prevention faces inadequate funding, lack of enough physical structures, poor management and logistics to be some of the major problems affecting community policing and police crime prevention. The study concludes and recommends that community policing and law enforcement should be strengthening to curb crime in the society. There should also be motivation to enhance effective management of crime and collaboration between the police and community.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Crimes against the State in Nigeria: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Evidence
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2019-02-17) Ishaya, Daniel Leku
    The study attempts to explain the relationship between drug addiction and criminality among youths in Nasarawa State electoral system and Nigeria in general. The paper gives the historical background of drug abuse and criminality, giving the historical antecedent on how it started and spread into the society. The study equally discusses the nature and pattern of drug addiction and criminality related it with other studies that have being done in Nigeria. Eco system theory was adopted as a theoretical approach to the study. The study demonstrates how drug abuse and criminality enhanced negative behaviour in youth development. The study found that drugs abuse and criminality in contemporary society is the major causes of youth engaging in crime, social problems among other social vices. The study recommends and concluded that measures should be taken by the government to combat this ugly trend in the society.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Factors Influencing the Prevalence of Substance Abuse Among Undergraduate Students in Nigeria Universities
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2019-09-13) Iguodala-cole, Hope Imuentinyan; Ishaya, Daniel Leku; Anto, Jacob B.; Obiabunmuo, Adaobi N.
    This study examines the reasons behind the continued rise in substance abuse among students in Nigerian Universities, with focus on Nasarawa State University, Keffi and Kaduna State University, Kaduna.University students seems more susceptible to substance use amongst different youth groups in Nigeria because most of them live outside the watch of their parents or guardians. Hence, the motivation for an empirical study on the prevalence of substance abuse amongst students. The study adds to the existing empirical literature on factors influencing the prevalence of substance abuse amongstudents.The specific objectives are to: ascertain if the class status of students influence their involvement in substance abuse, establish the relationship between- age and substance abuse amongst others. Personally administered questionnaires were used to collect the primary data for the study. A total of390questionnairs, at 5% level of error. Findings revealed that age can influence substance abuse as data indicates a significant influence of substance abuse amongst the youthful age. The differential association theory was adopted to help us understand if the problem of substance abuse is a learned issue in the social environ. It was concluded that, the quest for substance abuse is embedded in the social learning process. Amongst the recommendation was that there is a need for government to intensify its campaigns on the dangers that comes with substance abuse in our tertiary institutions.
  • ItemOpen Access
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2019-01-19) Ishaya, Daniel Leku; Iguodala-cole, Hope Imuentinyan; Agwadu, Joseph Jatau
    There has been rapid urbanization in the world in the 21u century particularly in the developing countries like Nigeria. This study examines the challenges faced by the family as a result of urbanization, identify the coping strategies by families in urban areas, examine the effect of urbanization on the family structure in Karu Local Government Area among others. A survey design was used to gather data through the instrument of questionnaires. Simple percentages were also used for data analysis. Findings reveal that the general living standards is low, where most households live in dilapidated, congested and overcrowded apartments characterized by lack of ventilation and space due to high cost of living explained in terms of the economic changes that have greeted societies in recent times. It is recommended that policy makers in both private and public sectors should come to the plight of urban dwellers in the provision of basic infrastructures to ameliorate the challenges of congestion and overcrowding through housing schemes, and as well make agricultural policies that will support food production and agricultural activities through incentives as subsidies, loans and financial empowerment to the general populace.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Housing Sector and the Menace of Persistent Building Colapse in Nigeria.
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2021-03-23) Ogidi, Ambrose Woyengiemi; Ishaya, Daniel Leku
    Building collapse most often is a man-made disaster in Nigeria. It occurs mainly due to lack of adherence to stipulated building code, ineffective town planning laws as well as frequent use of sub-standard building materials by builders. The incidents of building collapse in different parts of urban centres in Nigeria have assumed a frightening dimension in the last few years. This is because the after-effects of it has always been gruesome and unfortunate both in loss of valuable properties and precious human lives. And this has become a common feature both in the print and electronic media. The paper is an attempt to assess the Nigerian housing sector and persistent problem of building collapse in urban centres in recent years. The paper therefore identifies some possible causes of building collapse in the country to include; inadequate building regulatory frame work, prevalence of corrupt practices among government officials saddled with the responsibility for approving building plans, the preponderance of quacks in the building industry as well as ignorance on the part of many prospective house-owners in the use of sub-standard building materials among others. The paper equally examines some of the consequences associated with building collapse in the country. These include; the untimely death of many persons and - # their families, the homelessness of many persons in different parts of the country; it has also rendered many people jobless as well as destroyed many businesses bwned fry people ampng others. The paper recommends the following measured that could help to minimize or eradicate the persistent problem of building collapse in the 'country. These amongst others includes; effective town planning and building control in the country, the out-right ban in importation of sub-standard building materials in the country. Keyword: Building, Collapse, Persistent, Consequences, Mance.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Social Workers' Perception of the Juvinile Delinquency Prevention in Nigeria: A Case Study of Lafia Town, Nasarawa State
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2017-06-25) Ishaya, Daniel Leku
    This study sought to investigate social workers perception of juvenile delinquency prevention in Nigeria. The major objective of the study is to understand the juvenile delinquency prevention and perception of social worker. While, specific objectives include to: Understanding juvenile delinquency mechanism that are available in Nigeria and to use the perception of social workers as a yardstick for measuring the effectiveness of these mechanism in reforming the offenders. The studies explore conceptual analysis and social control theory as a theoretical framework for crime prevention and control. The study used primary and secondary sources of data collection. The findings were that juvenile delinquency prevention was mostly situated within the family cycle. This was made evident in the perception of respondents that the family has a large impact on criminal behaviour, where caring, loving, diligent, responsible and righteous parents do not generally produce children who are prone to engage in generalized problematic behaviour. This was made evident in the perception of respondents that the family has a large impact on criminal behaviour. The study concluded and recommended that social disorganization in the society contribute significantly to deviance behaviour among young persons and therefore recommends that juvenile delinquency rights and responsibilities of children and parents should be made known to all concerned through the media and other accepted methods of communication; prevention strategies like the poverty eradication programme should be effectively implemented and encouraged. Family support policies are developed to strengthen the role of parents towards their children and reintegration in the society.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Youth criminal behaviours and its psychosocial implications on the people living in Akwanga metropolis of Nasarawa State, Nigeria
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2021-01-28) Nalah, Augustine Bala; Ishaya, Daniel Leku
    Youth criminality has been a significant public challenge issue causing insecurity in our society. This study examines youth criminal activities between male and female, and married and unmarried youth and its implications to social security. The sample comprises males and females aged 18 to 45 years living in Akwanga Local Government of Nasarawa State. Ninety-nine (99) sample selected through simple random sampling techniques using a questionnaire. The research study adopts the chi-square statistical analysis using SPSS software for the analysis of data collected. The research findings reveal prevalence in youth criminal activities among male than female youth. Also, there is a high rate of youth criminal activities among unmarried youth than the married youth in Akwanga metropolis. Therefore, it is recommended that the government organize youth programmes in schools, community meetings, religious setting, and social media. Also, patrol vehicles should be supply to security agencies to curtail youth criminality and insecurity in our society.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Socio - Cultural Factors And Incidence of Measles Among Children In Keffi Local Government Area of Nasarawa State.
    (Department of Sociology, Nasrawa State University, keffi., 2016-08-24) Aderinto, John Adegoke; Dr. Karimu, Aliyu
    Measles is one of die health problems that endanger the life of children in every community. It is a child hood disease in the developing countries especially in Africa and Nigeria in particular, and also a universal disease known to be one of the commonest infections of man. Knowledge of measles is quite pertinent in understanding the role of cultural beliefs in health issues among die people. In die traditional settings, measles attack is usually attributed to a variety of causes which had no link with the concept of virus. This was based on the assertion that exposure to health education and other factors make a difference in utilization of health facilities. Nursing mothers with few men in keffi Local Government Area of Nasarawa State, Nigeria, were chosen for the study. Twenty households were selected from each of the ten electoral wards in die area using probability sampling technique (cluster and simple random). In all, a total of two hundred households were chosen for administration of questionnaires. The study relied on the Health Belief Model. Analysis and interpretation of data were done using simple tables, frequencies and simple percentages as well as Gamma at 0.05 alpha level to test and confirmed or otherwise of the hypothesis. Data revealed that traditional definition of concept of health is quite different from the western view. The people have their own conception of health and this play a significant role in their health behaviors, and this has implication for negotiation of health of children. The study, therefore, reiterate the need to integrate the peoples' beliefs, attitudes and behavioral practices into health promotion programmes.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Understanding Terrorism Network and Criminal Behaviour: A Psycho-Sociological Perspective
    (Department of Sociology, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2021-01-19) Ishaya, Daniel Leku
    Understanding terrorism and criminal behaviour in Nigeria society is germane due to the unholy behaviour. Terrorism is a global threat with global consequences and effects that has hindered national development. This phenomenon was characterized with violence, intimidation, coerce, instability, displacement and criminal act that has influences victims negatively. Conceptual framework and Qualitative method were adopted. Literature were extensively reviewed. Terrorism has post a seriously challenged and it has caused untold hardship to the country. This menace has bedevilling human society especially political terrorism, sociocultural, economic, and religion terrorist group in general. Terrorism is a form of transnational crime that exploit the limits of the territorial jurisdiction of states, differences in governance system, porous borders and the existence of informal and illegal trade and financial network. Terrorism and criminal act is the violation of criminal law (statutory and case), committed without defence or excuse, justification and sanctioned by the state as a felony or misdemeanour. The paper concludes and recommends that terrorism and criminal behaviour is an anti - criminal activities with destructive, horrific and heinous conduct. It kills and creates insecurity and fear across the society. It was recommended that government should provide adequate modern gadgets and information technology system to curb terrorist group organization. However, there should be no intervention and negotiation with the terrorist and criminal gang. Mutual relations and synergy should be employed between public and the security agencies to enhanced adequate information, arrest, investigation and prosecution as well as all the sponsors of terrorism should be identify and punished according to the law.