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Item Open Access IMPACT OF POVERTY REDUCTION PROGRAMMES ON RURAL COMMUNITIES IN KEFFI LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF NASARAWA STATE(DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NASARWA STATE UNIVERISTY, KEFFI, 2020-09-03) Oswald, RinkatThis study examined the Impact of Poverty Reduction Programmes on Rural Communities in Keffi Local Government Area of Nasarawa State. The study employed primary data obtained through administration of structured questionnaire. The simple percentage, Liker-scale and logic regression methods were used to analyze the collected data. Findings revealed that the poverty reduction programme of various governments in Keffi Local Government Area had not positively impacted on poverty level of the rural communities. This was informed by the overwhelming results obtained Jrom field survey. The logit regression analysis also lend support to the fact that government poverty reduction programmes in Keffi Local Government Area of Nasarawa Slate have not resulted to better lives for the rural poor in the State. Based on these findings, it was recommended among others that data bank agencies like the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) should be well funded, managed and motivated to ensure that adequate data relating to poverty incidence are readily available and gathered from time to time to aid uniform and consistent decisions, progress reports and speculations; that government programmes on poverty reduction should follow a multi-sectoral approach where all the stakeholders are given specific roles to play; that dell those likely to participate in any form of poverty reduction programmes must undergo capacity building and ethical orientation training; that government should determine how the intended beneficiaries are to be identified to ensure that the benefits reach them directly; that government should initiate a comprehensive method of sustaining the programmes over a specified period of time; and that Nasarawa State Government should ensure that poverty reduction programmes in the State are expand and taken to the inner villages because the rural poor in remote villages are the ones who are vulnerable to poverty, economic exclusion, and social hardship.Item Open Access FEDERALISM AND POLITICS OF RESOURCE CONTROL IN NIGERIA, 1999-2016(Department of Political Science, Nasrawa State University, Keffi., 2021-03-20) Uzodike, Grace OgeOver the years, since oil exploration started in the Niger Delta in 1956, there has been an extreme politics on the allocation of the financial and material resources gotten from the oil wealth. In spite of the colossal barrels of crude oil exploited in the region, there have been successive manipulations of the oil derivation percentage which has been allowed to decline. The underdevelopment of other revenue sources has served to increase the pressure by other tiers of government for more funds from the federal government, or in the case of oil producing states, for the control of their resources. This research therefore investigates the fiscal federalism and the politics of resource control in Nigeria between 1999 and 2016. The study was designed to look at the internal contradictions and challenges facing fiscal revenue allocation formula in Nigeria. The research utilized both the primary and secondary sources of data to analyze the nature of Nigeria’s federal system and those factors militating against the implementation of the principles of true federalism. The study adopts the Runtier State theory as its framework of analysis. The study contends that the emergence of the military in politics distorted the Nigeria federal structure in the post civil war era, when oil politics, revenue allocation system and resource control became one of the critical destabilizing factors in Nigeria’s federal experiment. More so lack of visionary political leadership and corruption are the major contributors to the agitation for true federalism in Nigeria. The study however recommends among others that, the character of the Nigerian state must be restructured. This means that the ethnic driven politics and the politics of personal interest and self aggrandizement must be put to an end. Nigerian political leaders must place national interest above tribal or ethnic interest. The interplay between the centripetal and centrifugal forces in Nigeria’s power equation should be balanced for the ultimate good of society.Item Open Access DEMOCRACY AND GOVERNANCE IN BENUE STATE, 2010-2017(Department of Political Science, Nasrawa State University, Keffi., 2021-03-03) Amani, Eyifioda OchogbeThe study explores the impact of democracy on democratic governance in Benue State. As such, with good governance the rich agricultural resources the State is endowed with can help her to attain an enviable position in terms of economic development. However, that has not been the case because the dividends that flow from democratic governance have not been delivered to the people. The research adopted the elite theory as a framework and the primary and secondary methods of data collection as research methodology. The findings are that one of the major constraints of democratic governance in Benue State is corruption lack of transparency and accountability in the governance. Secondly, there is no popular participation in the State because the people are not carried along in decision making processes without ethnic bias between Tiv, Idoma/Igede. Thirdly, the citizens are not carried along in order to contribute positively to the development of state democratic institution. The research recommended that government in Benue State should ensure that the system is free from corruption. There should be sound anti-corruption policies that will be devoid of rhetoric’s. There should be transparency and accountability in the policies adopted. Again, there should also be popular participation in the State. People should be carried along in decision making processes without ethnic or religious biasItem Open Access ANALYSIS OF NIGERIA-INDIA BILATERAL TRADE RELATIONS(Department of Political Science, Nasrawa State University, Keffi., 2021-01-03) Mary, Tumba AndenumWith the return of Nigeria to democratic governance in the Fourth Republic, Nigeria- India bilateral trade relations in terms of imports, exports and investments have continued to increase in volume without commensurate benefits to Nigeria in terms of making significant contributions to economic development of the later. The study examines Nigeria-India Bilateral Trade Relations. The study utilized theory of globalization. The theory was used to explain the rationale for massive Indian investment in the Nigerian economy, which has implications for economic development of Nigeria. The study adopted both the primary and secondary methods. The study observes that increased value of Nigeria-India trade contributed to economic development of Nigeria because of the nature of Nigeria's imports from and exports to India. India's exports to Nigeria equally improved upon Nigeria's economic development. It also finds that Nigeria-India trade relations are characterized by cooperation, interaction and dependence. The study recommends that the federal government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should improve on Nigeria's trade policy with India with a view to improving on Nigeria's bilateral trade with India. The study also suggests that the economy of Nigeria should be diversified to strengthen the capacity of the country in competing with India in their trade relations.Item Open Access UNIVERSITY SYSTEM AND THE CHALLENGES OF UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION IN NASARAWA STATE (2002-2016)(DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI NIGERIA, 2019-12-13) Abdullhi, Abimiku IbrahimThis study examined the University system and the challenges of its administration in Nasarawa state. The basic contentment in this research work is to point out the University’s administration in Nasarawa State. The research work captured the concept of administration which is indispensable in any organization to setup purposes or objectives to be realized. The challenges facing Nigeria’s higher institutions administrations are complex. It is a combination of limited access, increasing cost, decreasing quality of outputs and inflexibility in course selection. It has been acknowledged that an educated citizenry is crucial to the social, political, economic and cultural spheres in the nation. This study therefore, focused on the managerial effectiveness and structure of Nigeria universities which are regime reformation of the entire system to seek the truth through development of knowledge and empowerment ofpersonnel. It also prepared ground for scientific and technological advancement of the society as well as material and cultural development. However, this study employed both primary and secondary methods of data collection, for the primary data questionnaire were administered while for the secondary method, both qualitative and quantitative data were collected, while system theory was adopted as a theoretical underpinning. The research work also found that, for the Nigeria universities to meet the standard of high education in changing world today, they requires holistic reforms in line with the globally accepted practice. This research therefore, recommends that there is need for the Nigerian universities administrators and authorities to come out with new mechanism that can enhance effective administration in the Nigerian universities.Item Open Access REGIONAL PEACE-KEEPING AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION EFFORTS OF ECONOMIC COMMUNITY OF WEST AFRICAN STATES (ECOWAS) IN MALI, 2011-2017(DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI NIGERIA, 2021-04-18) ENEZE, Patience IfeyinwaThis Dissertation sets out to evaluate the regional peace-keeping and conflict resolution efforts of the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS, using the Malian situation between 2011 and 2017, as case study. The prevalence of conflicts has risen since the last decade and though the ECOWAS has been involved in the management of these conflicts, the efforts are most often marred by numerous challenges which the study examined by looking into the causes of the conflict and their impact: using the historical background of West African nations as a guide. .Largely qualitative data were utilized comprising mainly interviews and speeches of diplomats and experts. The Structural Functionalist and the Neo- Functionalist theories were used, political management, the Anglo-francophone dichotomy and absence of an institution to handle conflict management mechanism were identified as the problems of conflict management and resolution in West Africa. Lack of political will and absence of mechanisms for functional integration were adjudged the most critical of the challenges. The study concluded that there is near-absence of effective conflict management mechanism that would eliminate the causes of conflicts and therefore recommended that ECOWAS member states should direct the organizations efforts more at enhancing economic development of its members and economic integration at the sub-regional level: as well as establishing a strong conflict resolution mechanism that is backed by appropriate enforcement mechanism driven by commitment on the part of the ECOWAS members-states. Bad economics andItem Open Access GLOBAL TERRORISM AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTH-EASTERN NIGERIA, 2009-2017.(DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI, 2020-01-16) Muhammed, Hauwa AbubakarThe study examined global terrorism, Boko Haram and the challenges of socio-economic development in North Eastern part of Nigeria. The import of this study stemmed from the fact that it is a paradox that Nigeria which is an oil-rich country is currently inhabited by some of the poorest persons in the world and accounts for the highest percentage of internally displaced persons in Africa. This is borne out of the reality of immanent and long-standing conflict and generalized violence therein. The study situated its discourse within the ambit of the increasing spread of the nefarious activities of the Boko Haram sect in Nigeria and the destruction of lives and property vis-a-vis its implications for national security as it has provoked a humanitarian crisis of horrendous proportion. Its strength is thus not so much about the causes of the evolution of Boko Haram terrorism in Nigeria but the humanitarian hazards it has occasioned by displacing and dislocating thousands of citizens within the Northeast, forcing them to flee realities of sudden death, economic hardship and social strains. The study employed primary and secondary sources of data collection - making use of questionnaire, interview as well official documents and relevant academic materials in this area; and utilizing Social Identity Theory as its framework of analysis. The findings revealed that the activities of Boko Haram insurgency has affected the socio-economic development of the North east. Illiteracy, unemployment, poverty, corruption, religious and political manipulations, the long and porous borders, vast forest and deserts were emerged as driving force of the insurgency group. To reverse this trend, the study therefore recommends among others the youth should be empowered in addition to access to social security, access to affordable health care delivery, social amenities and infrastructure which will in turn bring about development in the region. The Nigerian security apparatus should be reinforced and enhanced to curtail infiltration of illicit weapons into the country by terrorists. Finally, government needs to be sincere, representative and fair in the treatment of its citizens; all forms of discrimination and marginalization in dealing with religious and development issues. ixItem Open Access ELECTRONIC GOVERNANCE AND SERVICE DELIVERY IN THE FEDERAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IN NIGERIA, 2010-2017(DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI NIGERIA, 2021-05-27) Edward, Murphy AbahThis study examined the role of e-Governance on service delivery in the Federal Civil Service Commission. To achieve this, the researcher adopted a case study design to guide its data collection. Both primary and secondary sources of data collection were adopted. The study adopted both the quantitative and qualitative method of data analysis. In guiding our analysis, the researcher examined two theories that bear relevance on the area of study, the Communication theory and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The Communication theory was adopted being the most suitable. The study found that e-Governance has not significantly improved on service delivery in the Federal Civil Service Commission, even though findings showed that the Commission has the necessary ICT infrastructure to implement e-Governance, also that the Commission has the manpower and human resource to implement it. The study also found that the Commission does not have the financial capacity to effectively run e-Governance. Findings of the study also revealed that there are challenges that militated against the effective implementation of e-Governance in the Commission, such challenges were classified as Operational, Capability and Human challenges. The study recommended the setting up of a technical committee to ensuring effective implementation of e-Governance, in doing this, the Commission is to partner with other ICT organizations such as Galaxy back borne, Zinox technologies and others for effective implementation, an increase funding to the Commission was also recommended. Study tour in ICT related area was recommended for key personnel in the Commission. xiiItem Open Access EFFECTS OF PETROLEUM SUBSIDY REMOVAL ON SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA 2011-2015(Department of Political Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-04-27) Namo, Maga ApkomoshiFor some years now, one of the most hurtful and complex socio-economic policy issues in Nigeria remains the issue of Fuel subsidy removal. Despite the global reduction in the price of oil, Nigeria experiences high price of oil. This study examines the effects of petroleum subsidy removal on sustainable economy growth in Nigeria. The methodologies employed in this study were primary and secondary method of data collection. The method of data analysis used was the simple percentage. The neo-liberal theory was used as a framework of analysis. The findings reveal that the fuel subsidy regime was not useful to a majority of Nigerians. It also showed that majority of Nigerians were against the fuel subsidy regime, it went further to prove that the cabals were the ones that actually benefited from the subsidy. The study also proved that the federal government was reasonable enough in removing subsidy on fuel in order to encourage competition in the oil sector, raise the standard of living of Nigerians, reduce the rate of borrowing from international organizations and develop other sectors of the economy. The study also showed that the removal of subsidy on fuel will help in generating employment opportunities for Nigerians, stop Nigerians from importing fuel from other countries, attract foreign investors in the down-stream sector of the economy and ensure economic recovery and sustainability. It also went further to show that the removal of subsidy has made a high impact on health, transportation, education and power sector, made a low impact on agricultural sector, infrastructure and social amenities.Item Open Access TRANSPORT CORPORATION OF ANAMBRA STATE (TRACAS) AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN ANAMBRA STATE, 2011-2017(DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY,KEFFI., 2020-01-10) Uyanwune, AdaobiPublic corporations are created in all countries of the world to accelerate economic and social development. Yet, increasing evidence indicates that most public corporations either do not contribute strongly to national development or do not perform their public service functions effectively and efficiently, leading to policymakers engaging in continuing debates over whether or not state-owned corporations are viable to economic and social development; and why so many of them have failed to deliver the services for which they were created, and how their management can be improved upon to achieve efficient service delivery and engender national development. To this end, this study examined TRAC AS and economic development in Anambra state from 2011-2017. Survey research design was adopted in the study. Data were obtained from primary and secondary sources. The primary data was obtained with the use of a research questiomiaire, while modem organisation theory was utilized as the framework of analysis. Results obtained from the analysis of data showed that TRACAS had greatly contributed to revenue generation of Anambra state with billions of naira accrued from the corporation annually. Besides improving the revenue generation of the state, TRACAS has also created employment opportunities for the people of the state. The corporation has succeeded in making its courier services one of the best in Nigeria. The findings also revealed that because of high degree of control and bureaucratic interference in its operations, TRACAS has suffered from very high and low degree of control thereby limiting the corporation in the provision of socio-economic development of Anambra state. The study therefore, recommends among others that appropriate accounting, legal regulatory infrastructure must be provided for the new crop of managers with different functional expertise to exploit and develop. Appropriate measures must be put in place to ensure that the Corporation grows from strength to strength by improving on the available, existing infrastructures for better service delivery. The researcher strongly recommends that government should remove all the stringent bureaucratic bottle necks so as to allow these institutions function well especially by giving more investment autonomy and financial back up to TRACAS.Item Open Access NIGERIA POLICE FORCE AND CRIME CONTROL IN ABUJA MUNICIPAL AREA COUNCIL (AMAC), ABUJA, NIGERIA(Department of Political Sciences, Nasarawa State University, Keffi., 2019-10-12) Amos, BatureThis work takes a look at the Nigerian police force and crime control in Abuja Municipal Area Council, Abuja. The investigation was carried out among the police officers and residents of Abuja Municipal Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory. Five research questions and five objectives guided the study. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population consisted of police and residents in all the 10 political wards in Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC). The sample size was made up of 300 respondents comprised of 100 police personnel and 200 residents who were civil servants, public servants, business men and women, but 276 responses were valid for data analysis. Both the simple random sampling technique and the purposive sampling technique were used to select the sample size. The percentage was used to analyze the bio-data of the respondents while the mean statistics was used to analyze the research questions. The results revealed among others that poverty, unemployment, society‘s emphasis on materialism and socio-economic hardship were the main factors responsible for high rate of crimes in AMAC. It was also revealed that the breaking of barriers in search of suspected illegally acquired properties, prevention, suppression of crimes and criminal activities were some of the roles of Nigeria Police in crime prevention. Inadequate funding, lack of patrol vehicles, lack of bullet proof, poor welfare package of the police, poor salary structure of the police and irregular promotions of rank and file of police officers reduce their efficiency in crime control and prevention. Armed robbery and house burglaries were common reported crimes in AMAC. The work recommends that, adequate police funding, patrol vehicles and bullet proofs, improved salary structure and welfare package of the police, improved working and living environment of the police men would solve the challenges confronting police in control and prevention of crime in Abuja Municipal Area Council. This work contributes to knowledge by way of identifying the fundamental causes of crime in AMAC and also adds to the few literatures on policing in AMAC.Item Open Access DRUG TRAFFICKING AND NIGERIA'S INTERNATIONAL IMAGE 2000-2016(DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY,KEFFI., 2021-03-12) Jafaru, Fatima BintaThis study evaluates the Drug trafficking and Nigeria’s international image, 2000 -2015. While there is considerable evidence that drug trafficking in Nigeria has worsen Nigeria’s international image. The problem of this research work is to examine if much has been achieved in terms combating drug trafficking in Nigeria. The objective of the study is to examine the implications of drug trafficking to Nigeria’s international image, to investigate the factors encouraging drug trafficking in Nigeria. To examine the nature of trafficking in Nigeria.The theoretical framework adopted in this study is the Rational choice by George H. (1961) which enable us understand how people who commit crime do so after considering the risks of detention and punishment for the crime committed. The study adopted the qualitative method of data analysis, Using content analysis and tables. The study relied heavily on secondary sources such as books, journals, articles, periodical, government reports and publications, magazines, unpublished manuscript, and conference papers; also, on primary sources such as interviews. The study revealed that Unemployment contributes to international drug trafficking among Nigerians. This is because the societies do not take stock of those who are jobless. The unemployed are human they must eat, survive and look like others. It is that survival spirit that pushes them to embark on drug trafficking. The lucrative nature of the business is seen as a boaster. Those who are into drug trade, come out as bourgeoisies in the society. People who have power and influence are into it because it fetches them money. It is a quick money making venture. The study made the following recommendations; The moral decadence among Nigerian youth which propel them into drug trafficking should be checkmated through parents and religions bodies by way of educating and re-orienting the young ones on the norms, moral and cultural values of the society. Parents should properly educate the youths on the danger of drug trafficking and abuse. They should set a standard that the younger ones should follow and revisit issues of illicit drug use and trafficking as well as the benefits of good conduct. The religious bodies should preach against societal deviance and intransigent behavior among the youths as well as continuously sermonize the self-destructive impact of drug trafficking. Since unemployment is one of the factors responsible for drug trafficking the government should try to accelerate the provision of employment for both the skilled and the unskilled youths and even adults so as to minimize the attraction of youths to drug trade and to prevent them from viewing drug trafficking as the possible alternative.Item Open Access ANALYSIS OF THE CHANGING ROLES OF ECONOMIC COMMUNITY OF WEST AFRICAN STATES (ECOWAS) AS AN INTEGRATIVE OUTFIT, 1991-2017(DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY,KEFFI., 2021-02-16) Nwosu, Vivian NonyelumThis research examines the changing role of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in relation to regional integration and security challenges in West Africa. The objective is to see how the institution has evolved frameworks to tackle these security challenges, in addition to its original mandate of economic integration. In pursuance of this objective, the research takes a critical look at the possibility of an enduring feature of post- Cold War West Africa and the increasing incidences of new conflicts and revolts. particularly intrastate, in the sub-region. Attention of ECOWAS was initially on economic cooperation and functional inter-dependence, and that has been the policy of every Nigerian government since I960. However, the security situation in the sub-region has made it imperative for ECOWAS to delve into other roles that would bring about peace and security in the sub-region. The theoretical framework adopted in this study is the functionalist theory. The data were generated from both secondary and primary sources for the study. The findings are that due to several challenges, there has been a deviation from the vision of the founding fathers of ECOWAS to free the region and effectively empower West Africans across the region to embrace regional economic integration and cooperation that, would, lead to self reliance, development and good governance. Therefore, the research recommends that the vision should be fanned to flame again and consolidated. The present crop of leaders of ECOWAS should give greater importance to economic integration to enable it realize the desire and. aspiration of its founding fathers.Item Open Access IMPACT OF BOKO HARAM TERRORISM ON NIGERIAN FOREIGN POLICY, 2010-2017(DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY,KEFFI, 2021-03-16) Nwune, Vanessa ChinonsoThis research analyzes the impact of Boko Haram terrorism on Nigeria’s foreign policy. The general objective of the study is to examine the effects of Boko Haram activities on Nigeria’s foreign policy. The methodology adopted is both primary and secondary sources of data collection. Linkage theory was used as a framework of analysis. From the findings, it can be deduced that Boko Haram insurgency has affected Nigeria’s foreign policy in that it badly affected her reputation abroad in such a way the bearers of green passports are treated as they are a disaster about to happen. This is because it has seriously watered down the toga of “Giant of Africa ” Nigeria earned for herself in the committee of nations. Secondly, the effect of Boko Haram on Nigeria has led to a reinvigorated rapprochement between Nigeria and her immediate neighbors. It has provided another significant opportunity for Nigeria to improve security cooperation with other countries in the Lake Chad region. The research recommended that Nigeria needs to redefine its style of response that is capable to bring a stop to the apparent menace that has afflicted both the citizens and international reputation of the country for a very long time. Also, Nigeria has to sustain the reinvigorated rapprochement with her immediate neighbors. The securitization of Lake Chad region, where Nigeria and other neighbors are located, prevention of safe havens for insurgents, and the construction of familiar and formidable front against dreaded unknown combatants will have the benefit of insight, it is an appropriate alternative that rational nations like Nigeria and these states could not afford to neglect.Item Open Access SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES AND RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN NASARAWA STATE 2010-2017(DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY,KEFFI., 2020-03-11) Alhassan, Samuel GarbaThe main thrust of this work is Small and Medium scale enterprises and rural economic development in Nasarawa state (20 J0-20I7). The objectives of this study is to determine the impact of small and medium scale enterprises on rural economic development, to explore the challenges facing small and medium scale enterprises in Nasarawa State, to examine whether the consumer’s preference to imported goods adversely affect the establishment of small and medium scale enterprise in Nigeria and to ascertain the measures to be put in place for the smooth operation of small and medium scale enterprises in Nasarawa State. To achieve a desired result this study utilised both primary and secondary sources of data, primary data were sourced by administering 400 questionnaire but only 378 copies were successfully returned On the other hand, secondary data were sourced through textbooks, journals and newspaper. Statistical tools such as table, frequencies and simple percentage were utilised for data analysis. The Innovative growth theory and Economic Theory of Entrepreneurship were utilised as bases for analysis. Base on findings and recommendations, the nature of the rural economy in Nasarawa State can be developed through SMEs. The government most encourages the small and medium enterprise to revamp the economy of Nasarawa State. SMEs has make significant contribution to the economy of Nasarawa State through the provision of employment, improves standard of living and also enhance economy growth and development. The government should assist medium enterprisers with soft loan to encourage small and medium scale activities in Nasarawa State.Item Open Access ROLE OF NEIGHBOURING STATES IN THE BATTLE AGAINST BOKO HARAM TERRORISM IN NORTH EAST NIGERIA, 2009-2015(DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY,KEFFI., 2021-06-21) Nwokedi, Chidumeje PhilipThis research is geared towards assessing the role of neighbouring states in the battle against Boko Haram terrorism in North- East Nigeria 2009 - 2015. The aim of this study is to examine the roles played by the Lake Chad Basin states, such as, border policing, joint military task force etc. as measures and alternative approaches to successfully nip the Menace of Boko Haram in the bud. To achieve this objective, the study utilized survey research design through the use of primary data obtained from interview, as well as secondary data obtained from related literature to provide a working guide for analysis and propositions formulated. The study adopted.the theory of inter- govemmentalism as the theoretical framework guiding the research. Arising from the analysis, the study reveals that the role played by the neighbouring states were grossly inadequate to end the reign of Boko Haram, such as biased, weak measures and approaches in fighting Boko haram. The lack of infrastructural facilities and basic amenities. The continuous increment in poverty level mostly in the North-East, Nigeria etc. The study recommends that Nigerian Government and neighbouring states should be less biased, committed, more proactive in the fight against Boko Haram. The study also recommends that, more room should be given for alternative approach and measures, such as dialogue with Boko Haram, Poverty Alleviation Programmes targeted at the youths, fully functional Healthcare System etc. more especially in the North-East, Nigeria.Item Open Access IMPORT SUBSTITUTION POLICY AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA 2015-2019(DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY,KEFFI., 2021-02-03) Waibe, Ahmadu EjimThe essential role of import substitution industrial (ISI) in the growth or development process of developing nation is to day widely recognized. This thesis focuses on the effect of import substitution policy on Nigeria industrial development. This study utilized the survey method to find out whether import substitution policy motivates/promote Nigerian industries for higher productivity. The main objective of the research is to provide relevant information that will assist stakeholders in the area of policy making and implementation to achieve greater success in the area of industrial development. Thus, this study adopted dependency theory as it theoretical framework. The data of the study were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The findings revealed that corruption, low capitalization, executive interference, inefficient management and poor planning are the factors that militate against import substitution policy in Nigeria. The research therefore, recommended that Industrial policy should be properly conceived and carefully implemented, Human capital development should be given priority in the country, with education especially sciences and technical education properly funded for skill development, the acquisition of technology should be a national issue and not a one side affair, there should be massive public investment in the provision of electricity, roads, rail system and other infrastructure, national security should be strengthened and tightened, there is therefore need to encourage entrepreneurs by providing adequate incentives for investments, The Nigerian government should at all-time examine its industrial policies with a view to removing and replacing major flows by way of making adequate practical suggestions from time to time.Item Open Access ASSESSMENT OF UNITED NATIONS’ CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATION OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN NIGERIA, 2011-2019(DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE, FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY,KEFFI., 2021-04-13) Ayitogo, Zuwaira OnyawozaThe study examines United Nations’ Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Violence against Women in Nigeria. The study utilized the social learning theory. Primary and secondary methods were utilized. This was actualized through the distribution of questionnaires and conduct of interviews to the targeted audience. The secondary source was based on review and assessment of journals, books, official documents, newspapers and media reports including data from official publications of World Bank and United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women. Findings revealed that the social, cultural, religious and economic factors that contribute to violence against women in Nigeria include male dominance, gender inequality, superiority of males to females, females being seen as the weaker sex and females’ economic dependence on males. It further observes that the United Nations convention on the elimination of all forms of violence against women has not be successful as a result of the challenge of trado-cultural practices. Base on the findings, the study recommend that Government should organize workshops and seminars for religious leaders in both urban and rural areas to enlighten and counsel people against violence. ixItem Open Access ASSESSEMENT OF NIGERIA’S BID FOR A PERMANENT SEAT AT THE UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL(Department of Political Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-05-01) Kabiru, MohammedThis work set out to evaluate Nigeria's hid for a permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council. The study adopts the rational actor model theoretical postulation as a tool of analysis. The study essentially implores both the primary and secondary methods of collecting and analyzing data through the use of interview, relevant texts, documentaries, journals as well as internet sources. This study vehemently believes that the structure and composition of the United Nations Security Council must definitely be reformed and reorganized to reflect the wide and varied membership of the organisation. Both the qualitative description and quantitative informations brings simplicity and coherence to the work. The findings reveal that Nigeria's bid for a permanent seat has been inherently bedeviled wit challenges such as insecurity, systemic corruption, maladministration and governmental ineptitude. While observing that there exists a fundamental need to reform and enlarge both the membership and voting pattern in the Security Council in order to reflect geopolitical realities of the 2Tl Century by making both the organisation and the Security Council in particular to appear democratic while at the same lime enhancing its efficiency and legitimacy around the worldItem Open Access ASSESSMENT OF ECONOMIC COMMUNITY OF WEST AFRICAN STATES’ (ECOWAS’) SECURITY MANDATE AND NIGERIA’S NATIONAL SECURITY, 2007- 2017(Department of Political Science, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2-02-20) Chibuike, Valentine NwokikeThe research set out to identify the security responsibilities of ECOWAS since her evolution from a solely economic organization to a political and security one, the specific responsibilities of ECOWAS that have a relationship with the security challenges in Nigeria, how much has ECOWAS done in response to concerned security challenges in Nigeria, and what are those challenges confronting ECOWAS in keeping her security commitments in Nigeria. The Neofiinctionalism and liberal intergovernmentalism theories were considered, and the Liberal intergovernmentalism theory was settled for. as was most apposite to the research objectives. The study utilized the contextual research design. This was actualized through the review and assessment of journals, books, official documents, newspapers and media reports. This was supplemented with interviews responses from the target audience. The findings were that, prominent Nigerian national security challenges or threats are embedded in ECOWAS security mandate. Two, shortage of capacity, unwillingness by Nigeria to allow ECOWAS interference, and non- compliance among member-states are among the reasons ECOWAS has not done well in keeping her security responsibilities in Nigeria. It was recommended that, Nigeria, which has unarguably hideously struggled to arrest her prominent security challenges, should understand the need for assistance, especially from a transnational body like ECOWAS, and so, be more willing to allow ECOWAS interference and support; and since Nigeria's prominent security challenges are transnational, Nigeria do more to diplomatically rally member-states to improve the capacity of ECOWAS to promote intra- and inter-state security. viii